week three;day three

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.jaedenlieberher opened the chat.

jaedenlieberher: i got 99 problems but a beep ain't one

sophialillis: beep

jaedenlieberher: christian boys don't curse

jackgrazer: what kind of logic is that shit

finnwolfhard: yeah what the fuck?

jaedenlieberher: oooooo

sophilillis: wait jae who is this 'beep' of yours

jaedenlieberher: remember the guy i told you about

sophialillis: ye

finnwolfhard: NO

finnwolfhard: WHEN WAS THIS

jaedenlieberher: turns out he has a gf so he's either straight or bi or some shit idk

sophilillis: OOPH

jaedenlieberher: it really sucked because he is really cute so now i've been in this state of sadness

sophialillis: aw my poor baby jaeden

jackgrazer: hey finn wanna go out

sophialillis: i'm so sorry

sophialillis: maybe they aren't dating?

jaedenlieberher: idk man it looks like it

finnwolfhard: that would sound lovely jack

sophialillis: ooph it does look like it

jaedenlieberher: ):

jaedenlieberher: that's okay i guess

sophialillis: do you still want to add him?

jaedenlieberher: yeah he seems like a cool guy anyway

jackgrazer: great (: while we're at it, wanna be my boyfriend?

sophialillis: okay but

sophialillis: be cautious

sophialillis: i don't want my baby jaeden hurt

jaedenlieberher: you're cute soph

jaedenlieberher: love you so much <3

sophialillis: ilym <3


sophialillis: wait what

sophialillis: iWHAT

jackgrazer: finally you pay attention to us jesus

jaedenlieberher: wait are you guys actually going out?

jackgrazer: good question

finnwolfhard: good question indeed

sophialillis: you two suck ass

jaedenlieberher: soPHiA

sophialillis: whAT

jaedenlieberher: you have no filter

sophialillis: you are just now learning this

jaedenlieberher: no i just feel like it should be BROUGHT UP right about now

sophialillis: why i am perfectly normal

jaedenlieberher: i would beg to differ

sophialillis: excuse me sir

sophialillis: i'll have you know

sophialillis: that i have a 3.8 gpa

sophialillis: beat that bitch

jaedenlieberher: 4.0

sophialillis: WHAT THE FUCK

jaedenlieberher: i'm a smart cookie what can i say

sophialillis: MY GOD MAN

jackgrazer: yes finn and i are dating

finnwolfhard: jACK

sophialillis: WAIT WHAT

jaedenlieberher: oh wow

finnwolfhard: OHMYGOD

.jackgrazer closed the chat.

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