week four;day five

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.sophialillis opened the chat.

sophialillis: jaeeeeeedennnnn

sophialillis: wyattttttttt

jaedenlieberher: what do you want

wyattoleff: yes?

sophialillis: the difference between your replies wow

sophialillis: opposites attract!!!!

wyattoleff: hm

wyattoleff: do they

jaedenlieberher: why are you so proper

wyattoleff: it's nice

wyattoleff: and makes me seem like more of a smooth taker

wyattoleff: for instance when i compliment you

jaedenlieberher: i guess

sophialillis: you two are so cute asjdifinfgiufsm.zdf

jaedenlieberher: soph we aren't dating

wyattoleff: you wouldn't think of it?

jaedenlieberher: i didn't say that

sophialillis: he wants to date you wyatt

sophialillis: he was telling me about it last night

jaedenlieberher: SOPHIA SHUTUP

wyattoleff: was he now

jaedenlieberher: N O

sophialillis: YES! it was v cute

sophialillis: he was saying how you were super sweet and made his heart go really fast

jaedenlieberher: SOPHIA I SWEAR TO TH ELORD

wyattoleff: that's so cute

sophialillis: I KNOW RIGHT!?!?!?!?

wyattoleff: he's so cute

jaedenlieberher: heck

wyattoleff: see

wyattoleff: i don't know a single person who would say heck in this situation

wyattoleff: except for jaeden

jaedenlieberher: shshhs

wyattoleff: it's okay love


sophialillis: IM SHAKING SO mUCH 

jaedenlieberher: oh my

jaedenlieberher: let's switch the topic before sophia explodes

sophialillis: jaeden please

sophialillis: you are probably more red than me

jaedenlieberher: hush that's not the point

wyattoleff: i turned in my audition

sophialillis: for the it movie?

wyattoleff: yeah

sophialillis: me too!

jaedenlieberher: me three!

sophialillis: and now we wait

sophialillis: actually i didn't try too hard at all so i wouldn't be surprised if i get no call back

wyattoleff: i tried pretty hard i guess

jaedenlieberher: same

sophialillis: idk i never thought acting would be my thing so

sophialillis: it's all up for the books!

sophialillis: that made no sense

sophialillis: wait wyatt who did you try out for

wyattoleff: stan because my friend jason practically made me

jaedenlieberher: jason

wyattoleff: mhm

jaedenlieberher: oh

sophialillis: jelly jae

jaedenlieberher: AM NOT

sophialillis: ARE TO

wyattoleff: shhh he's only a friend bambino

wyattoleff: nothing to worry about <3

jaedenlieberher: i'm relieved yet really shook

sophialillis: FINN AND JACK ANSWER

finnwolfhard: what

jackgrazer: whats up

sophialillis: hello lovelys

sophialillis: i know you two act too

sophialillis: you guys should try out for the it movie

jackgrazer: already did

finnwolfhard: same

sophialillis: what the fuck

finnwolfhard: i tried out for richie tozier

jackgrazer: eddie kaspbrak

jaedenlieberher: omg that's so cute

wyattoleff: ^

sophialillis: why are we actually turning into the losers club

jackgrazer: wOAH

jackgrazer: we still need a ben and mike

sophialillis: we have all the weeks we need

finnwolfhard: i like how 

finnwolfhard: we are already doing this when 

finnwolfhard: the chance of all of us getting the part is super slim

wyattoleff: why did you cut that up

finnwolfhard: felt necessary

jaedenlieberher: bye losers i have hockey!!

wyattoleff: bye love pleaseeee be safe <3

sophialillis: kms bc of the cuteness BYE JAEDEN

finnwolfhard: bye youngin

jackgrazer: BYE JAEDEN ILY

.jaedenlieberher closed the chat.

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