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(n.) an obsession/passion/infatuation with noise


I can feel it

when my neighbor's dog barks

when there's thunder in the sky

When there are birds by my window

Can you hear it?

Can you hear how tangible it is?

Can you hear how it feels?

The wonder in the old dog's bark?

The rage in the sky?

The hope in the trees?

I can.

I can hear it.

Like I can feel the heat of a fire.

-Or the cold of ice.

I can feel it like I can feel security.

And I can hear it

Almost as though

The noise is a gun 

aimed at me

please pull the trigger

if you never shoot 

i'll never know

the depth of emotion

hidden behind the initial "click"

and then the regret behind the final "bang"

I want to feel the noise

I want to understand it

I want to know how it feels

to have the noise so surrounding

a shield of a knife

-all protecting.

A buzzing in my ear

it won't stop

I don't mind

I just want to imagine the noise

When silence is all I hear.


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