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(n.) an obsession/passion/infatuation with open high spaces


Flames engulf the city

They spill down the street

and leave nothing but ash in their wake

and smoke in the sky

or maybe the smoke, 

is just from my thin, pale lips

my lungs burn brighter than the city

I can imagine the  city in flames


I can imagine the city in vain

with people walking street by street

chins high but eyes on the ground

I could imagine the city as anything from here.


when the wind whips at my cheeks

and I can fully open my eyes

and take deep breaths of all the smoke they despise

i can imagine anything up here

with  my head in the clouds

as long as I never let my feet leave the ground

but I can still lean 

over edges that won't catch me

but I can still look down

and barely see the ground 

I can still outstretch my arms

and feel nothing but air

up here

i can be myself

with nobody

to spare.


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