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(n.) an obsession/passion/infatuation with kindness


"why did you do that?"

It's a simple question, really

I can't blame anyone for asking

even if they ask 

over and over again

their question always hits me

like a raindrop falling on your eyelashes

it changes your view

but only for a moment

but I still second guess myself

every time.

even when i've just watered the rose

when it's once peach colored petals

begin to gray

and droop

and drag themselves down

a lady asks me why

can she not see the beauty

of the petals that caress the earth

as they fall?

or the veins of the stem

desperate to be cleansed

it took me a long time to realize

no one really sees.

they look

they search

but they never really see

they never try to understand

or try to see through

past the blank mask

that we all look through

I can't say i'm different

i'm exactly the same 

or exactly the same

in a slightly different way

i don't really know

I'm just trying to find my way

and so is everyone. 

aren't they?

even the man 

who sits in the corner

his hat fraying and torn on the edges

upturned and empty

and even the girl

no older than eight

who sits at the front of the bus

day by day

and all these people

Who are lost and confused

or who know exactly

what they want to do.

"I'm not the only one" 

that's the reason i use

To answer all of you.


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