Jimmy Desanta

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The day you met him you feel hard and he feel as well and then it happended ....

Jimmy says"Hey babe" you say"wassuppp" He kisses you making that your first kiss and it was on the beach how cute you kiss back and makeout for a little while until ur phone rings its your mother bitiching about god knows what so u go home and think about jimmy all night long aching with plesure i want him an he wants me but are we just sleepwalking is this for real?

One Year Before:

Jimmy's POV:

Im sitting here gaming with the funniest woman in the world and she hasn't even found out i love her she says " what are you thinking about?" I say" oh nothing it's nothing " She goes back to playing righteous slaughter 7 and I ask " are you single?"

Y\N pov:

What omg did he just ask if i was single omg he knows i have a crush on him shit umm i say" no why?" you look down at his bong and he asks" do u love me ? "you say" yea i really fuckin do you the only one who i love except my family but still i love u " he says" same here i mean my family is a fuck fest but still i love you too" you say '' so what now??" you look at him he says ''will you please make me happy and go out with me Y\N ?" You say" yea sure i love you Jimmy "..........."

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