Tony Prince

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you just moved into the city. Los fucking Santos city of dreams more like a piece of shit city. 

the house you bought seems  quiet and lonesome. maybe it will have life when i start decorate it for now you just wanna go explore the new city, heard around the grapevine that there are some banging clubs out here and i think i might just now who is running these clubs. 

music blares from the bathroom as your getting ready to go hit up the club downtown. makeup is looking flawless, the outfit is ripped black skinny jeans and a thrasher t shirt tied up and some  black and white converse and a pair of aviators. [ you can change the outfit if you want] with that your ready to leave. you get in your car and drive off downtown the city lights rushing by and the wind coming thru the window making your hair fly everywhere. you feel great as u park in front of the club. you got some VIP passes online so no waiting in stupid ass fucking lines for you, music is at full volume and bodies are on the dance floor. A man stands close to the dj set you make eye contact this must be the famous tony prince everybody talks about in liberty city never knew he moved here. he waves you over almost like your not a stranger and you guys have known each other for years. you walk up the stairs leading to the dj set and he looks you up and down inst he gay? maybe he is bi now he says¨ ive never seen you here before are you new in this sparkling city doll?¨ you nod¨ yes i am just moved here yesterday. my names y

¨ he smiles¨ cute name. im tony prince nice to meet you and welcome to my club. you know u interest me in some way almost like your drawing me in¨ you blush and look down is he trying to flirt or be nice cause fuck im kinda melting i haven't had this much attention in a long while to be honest. he grabs my hand and kisses it and then yanks me in and whispers in my ear¨ you wanna be mine for the night?¨ your eyes go wide¨ um-um y-yes¨ he yanks you to wherever more than likely a back room. was i really gonna sleep with tony prince. no im gonna play hard to get. then maybe he will crawl back for more. you shove him against the wall kiss his neck then kiss his lips he tries to stick some tongue in there but i break away and put my finger against his lip and say¨ goodnight Mr Prince better luck next time¨ you walk away and exit the club.

Tony Prince POV: 

whoa who was that girl and how did she do that to me. ive never been this attracted to a female before but there is just something about them that drives me absolute mad but all i know is i want them more than anything in this life. i want them to be mine we could do such big things and maybe this is my shot at happiness again. ever since Luis died and i moved out here to franchise clubs out here and get famous out here with my many clubs ive just felt empty and ive been taking pills non stop i have a addiction. maybe she would be a reason to wanna live in this shitty world maybe just maybe she will become my world.

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