Lester Crest

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Your sitting outside on your porch looking at the night sky thinking about various things when your phone buzzes knocking you out of your dream like daze. You walk to the counter and grab your phone hmm one new email.....
(The Email)
Dear Y/N my names Lester Crest ive heard great things about you... Your criminal record is a thing of beauty and rather impressive thats why i want you to work for me i can make you loads of money i know you may seem like you have it all big house in vinewood hills with a killer view, cars, fashion etc... I really hope you take my offer Mrs L/N
Come speak with me at my home ill text you the address......

You get a text just like this Mr Crest said fuck it why not i got nothing to lose... You get dressed and hop in your car , you speed all the way to Lesters home... You walk inside and boy does it scream nerd alert, A man sits in a wheel chair You say" You must be  Lester Crest" He whips around" Ah yes and you must be Y/N " you laugh and sit down" So you want me to work with you?" He says" yes i do... Listen i can sit here tell you that i can make you lots of money blah blah but i aint gonna do that cause i already know your in" you say" i didnt say i was in lester" he flirts" i can be in you... Cause That sounds so much better" you look at him speechless" we just met and - he gets up and gets his cane then walks towards you and kisses you..... Would it be crazy if i told you... You kissed back.... Who would have known you would fall head over heels for Lester and make mad bank in the process?

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