Chapter 3

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My life returned to normal once I left the arena. Yeah, sure I was good at archery, but did that stop any feelings I have? Nope. I went through the woods. I just kept walking further and further until I made sure no one was around. I climbed up a tree and made my dagger grow. As soon as the blade made contact with my skin, I felt a rush of clarity. Then pain. A shiver went through me as I made a slash in my skin. Wasn't that deep but it still hurt. I transformed my dagger into a ring again and just sat there. I think it's funny that I've been doing this for awhile, yet no ones notices. Not my mom, not Paul, not Poseidon, not Percy. No one.

A little later, I heard a rustle in the leaves and automatically climbed higher. An Ares child was walking through the forest. For some reason, this random camper was called me. I tucked my legs in tighter, trying not to make a sound.

"Aqua? Aqua? Percy's looking for you," The girl called. I quickly wiped the dried blood from my arm and hopped down. I again landed wrong and hurt my foot.

"Damn it," i swore silently. The girl tried to help me up, but I pushed her away. I made my way to the Poseidon cabin, hoping Percy wouldn't be there.

Once I got there, I was relieved to find out he was with Annabeth. I got changed into a long sleeve shirt and jeans. I snuck out of camp and into the real world.

Two hours later, and here I am fighting a fury in an alley. I've already gotten cut and bruised all over. Not pointing out that I'm extra slow because of my foot. I honestly thought it was broken. After another ten minutes, the monster was finally turned to dust. My first thought after was to go to my apartment. I had nectar in Percy's room.

Hoping my mom wasn't there, I walked to the apartment and made my way upstairs. With my luck, my mother was there.

"What happened to you?" My mother asked when she saw me.

"A uh kampe. I need so nectar," I said while hopping to Percy's bedroom. I drank some nectar and got some bandages for my foot. As I went to wrap my foot, I looked at it for the first time. My foot was covered in blood and I saw the source. Part of my bone was sticking out.

"Hey, mom? Can you call an Apollo camper?" I called to her.

"Why?" My mom asked.

"My bone is poking out of my skin. I need help," i said as calmly as possible. Five minutes later, some guy named Wil was at the side, fixing up my foot.

After a minute, Wil asked, "Why did you first hurt it?"

"A couple days ago," I said. He continued to fix my foot while I winced over and over. Finally, my foot was in a cast. I said thank you and Wil left.

"Mom, do I have to go back to camp?"

"I need you to go. I need to know you'll be okay," My mom said.

"I'll go back. As soon as the cast is off. Please," I begged. My mom finally gave in and I made my way to the living room. I watched movies and played games on my phone for what seemed like forever. After a day of that, I was bored out of my mind.

"Okay, since your not at camp, you got homework," My mom said at dinner.

"Every fifteen assignments with 100%, a hour in the real world?" I asked my mom. We always did deals. Sometimes it was more training, or anything really. My mom took a moment to flip this over in her head. See finally nodded and I was excited to start.

Right after dinner, ten page essay on a book. It may sound pretty easy, but my said I have to read it in English, not Greek, and write it in English. This was going to take forever. I decided on The Hunger Games series. Total, there were probably around 1,000 pages. I got them on my phone and started on them. They were really good so far.


A week later and I finished the first book. I decided to take sometime for myself and listen to music. My playlist was Reflection (Movie Mulan), When She Cries (Britt Nicole), Alyssa Lies, and things along those lines. After an hour, I jumped when I felt hands on my back. I look to see Percy.

"You gave me a heartattack," I said to him as he hopped onto the couch with me.

"Sorry. Why didn't you come back to camp?" Percy asked me.

"I dunno. I guess I just wanna be home," I said. This was my home and Percy's home was camp.

"What happened to your foot?" Percy asked, noticing my cast.

"Oh, the day you found me, I landed on it weird. Didn't do anything about it. Got home from fighting a monster to find a bone was sticking out a bit," I explained. Percy and I sat there talking and talking.

All I could think was how nice it was to be noticed for once.

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