Chapter 13

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ALL RIGHTS GO TO @Starlight2487 And I changed a few things from her orginal copy.

Percy and I walked together until we reached Cabin 3. Percy went inside, and I just wandered around camp for awhile. I guess I wasn't looking where I was going, and I bumped into someone. It was Dillion, from the Apollo cabin. All the girls liked him because he was single and pretty much the hottest guy at camp. And I got to admit, they were right. Dillon had wavy blonde hair, bright blue eyes with a hint of green, and that tan all Apollo campers have, with their dad being the sun god and all. Not to mention his dazzling smile. I guessed he was probably stuck up, but I'd never actually talked to him before. At least, not until now.

Dillion smiled. "Hey Aqua," he said, which really surprised me. Everyone at camp just calls me 'that kid of Poseidon'. "What's up?" I guess I must've been frowning because Dillion could tell something was wrong and dragged me to the beach.

"Sit." He told me. I sat. Wait, did he just give me a dog order, and I listened??? Dillion looked up at me with those blue eyes. "What's wrong?"

I shouldn't have told him. After all, he was a guy I just met and I shouldn't have told him about all my problems, but I did. I told him about Vince, Percy, my dad, everything. Dillion was a really good listener and didn't interrupt me, even though I knew he had some questions he was dying to ask, and I was very wrong about him being stuck up. By the time I'd finished talking, the evening had turned to night and I was crying hard.

Dillion put his arms around me and I buried my head into his chest and just cried and cried. We sat like that for a moment until I had no more tears left. When we finally pulled apart, Dillion looked at me and said, "Whoa." "I know, I know, I'm probably a mess right now." I said sniffing. "No, not that, your eyes. You have dreamboat eyes. Look, I don't want anybody else seeing how gorgeous they are, okay?"

I blushed, hoping it didn't show in the moonlight and said, "Okay."

"And about your problems and Vince," Dillion said. "Clearly the guy must be blind if he'd give up someone like you. I mean, your beautiful, smart, talented, everything a guy could ever want. And your probably the most pure-"

Leaning towards Dillion, I cut him off with a kiss, and he kissed me back. He wrapped his arms around me. At that moment everything seemed so right. I felt like nothing could ruin this moment. We stayed on the beach awhile longer, talking until I finally started falling asleep, and Dillion picked me up and carried me to my cabin.

A Couple Weeks Later

I woke up to the sound of Percy's snoring again. Groaning, I rolled off my bed and went to the bathroom. I got dressed and checked to make sure I had my ring. I twisted the gem and it became a dagger. I'd need it for my class. Walking over to Percy's bunk where he continued to snore, I dumped a couple gallons of water on his head and he woke with a start. Since he wasn't expecting it, Percy was soaked from head to foot. He willed himself to dry, then tackled me to the ground. I laughed and shoved him off.

"Jeez, Percy. Even an earthquake couldn't wake you up." I joked. We clowned for a bot like brother and sister. Finally, Percy got up and went to get dressed. I headed out to my first class after breakfast with the Eros cabin. A couple of my friends told me that Grace, Vince's ex, had gotten another boyfriend and Vince was single again. I kind of felt sorry for him but some nymphs told me how I wasn't the only girl he'd cheated on and I decided he got what he deserved.

And anyways, I had a boyfriend. After me and Dillion kissed that night at the beach, we decided we should just stay friends for awhile until we got to know each other more. We became a couple afterwards.

And then Poseidon sent me on a quest to tame a sea serpent. As far as I knew, he didn't even care about what I did. And suddenly he sent me on my own quest!

When I returned, Poseidon created a pegasus out of sea foam just for me as a gift. The pegasus had amazing agility, speed, and strength. It was better than Blackjack, Percy's pegasus. I finally decided to name her Hurricane. And for the first time, life wasn't all that bad. I had friends, my dad cared about me, I was dating the sweetest guy, I had a family, and I actually enjoyed camp.

But the most important thing was I finally had a home.


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