Chapter 10

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Author's Note:

In the next chapter, Aqua has her gymnastics competition.


The hope of clearing my mind was destroyed as soon as I stepped into camp. Why? Let me tell you.

As I reached Camp, I went to the lake. I had a good hour and a half before curfew. From my favorite place by the lake, I can see everything. The pavillion, all the cabins, arena, and woods. As my eyes passed the forest, I saw Vince......with another girl. This girl was giggling as he made his way closer to her. And in a second, his hand was on her neck and he kissed her. I was heartbroken. I knew it wasn't an Aphrodite girl because she had raggy clothes and hair that stuck in all different directions. I soon realized it was Vince's ex girlfriend, Grace. As I saw this, I ripped the aqua quartz from my neck, throwing it far away from me. I felt tears fall from my eyes as I ran out of camp.


I can't believe he would hurt me like that. Pull it together, I told myself. He's only another guy. But the problem was, he wasn't just another guy. He was kind and sweet and caring and a heartbreaker. What I should have known was that almost every guy is like that. I don't know why I fell for a guy in the first place. Guys just cause drama and pain.

I wiped the tears from my face and walked the rest of the way out of camp, so it didn't look like something was wrong.

I got out of camp without drawing attention to myself and I headed straight to the ocean. As I sat on the sand, I felt my eyes burning once again. Before I knew it, tears ran down my cheeks. I sniffed and wiped the tears away. I looked out at the sea. This was my home. The only place I felt like I could be myself. Where I don't have to be fake for the sake of others.

Somehow, thinking about my home, I found I was thinking about Vince. We were "together" for a week and I'm flipping out over him. I crying and crying over a guy I kissed a few times. I let out a little laugh at the thought of being like every other girl who NEEDS a guy in their life. Honestly, if you need a guy in your life, you had problems growing up or just want attention. At times, I'm really thankful I can't let people into my life so easily.

As the thoughts kept coming and coming, I found sleep taking over.


I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes. That, and Percy standing above me saying, "A monster could've gotten you, you know that?"

"But they didn't," I said. "I gotten nothing to lose anyways," I added in a whisper. I moved around on my back, getting comfortable in the sand. The smell on the sea filled my nose and I smiled.

"Come on," Percy said, holding out his hand. I took it.

"Why are you even here? I would think you'd be out with Annabeth," I said/

"Haha," He said sarcastically. "And no. She in California with her dad. Something about patching up the relationship or something."

"So I'm gonna be seeing more of you and your going to be on my tail 24/7?"

"Not 24/7," Percy replied.


"Why? You ain't doing drugs or anything like that, right?"

I laughed a little before saying, "No."

As Percy made his way to camp, I made my way back to the city. "Where you going?" I heard Percy yelled from behind me.

I turned while walking and said, "Competition."

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