Chapter 7

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Quick Author's Note:

It's been a month and a half since Percy found out about what Aqua was doing to herself. Now, Aqua is becoming more at ease at camp while hanging out with Vince.


"Hey," I said as soon as I saw Vince.

"Hey," He replied. We were in the woods just hanging out. It was the fist time in half a week I got to see Vince. And it was all because of his girlfriend. Her name was Grace and she was a daughter of Iris. Vince always says how he's gonna break up with her, but he doesn't because she'll just cry and make him feel guilty.

"How was the date with the bitch?" I asked him, leaning against a tree.

Vince rolled his eyes and said, "I mention your name and she was in tears." I laughed. I feel bad for anyone who NEEDS a guy in their life. "And then I finally broke up with her," Vince added. I looked up to see if he was kidding or not. He had a straight face and I smiled.

"Finally. I thought I was gonna have to break up with her for you," I said jokingly. Vince was laughing now too. He was so cute. Yes, I do have a HUGE crush on my best friend. I told him everything, and he told me everything. We knew basically every detail about each other. He was my best friend and one day best boyfriend. He and Percy were always overprotective around me and I thought it was funny. Percy as a big brother and Vince as the best friend ever. Let's just say that I love him.

In the middle of my thoughts, I realized he was still talking. "So, what do you wanna do tomorrow?" He asked.

"What's tomorrow?" I asked, completely clueless.

"Your birthday. Duh. What do you wanna do?" Oh, dang it. Tomorrow was my birthday. May 11.

"I dunno. Hang out in the city for a bit. Visit my mom. That's all. Nothing special," I said.

"I refuse. You do that all the time and your birthday must be different," Vince proclaimed. I rolled my eyes and laughed. I looked at my phone and saw it was already 6:50.

"I gotta go. See you tomorrow?" I asked Vince. He nodded and I went off to my cabin. As I was walking, I saw Percy and Annabeth making out near the beach. I almost puked at the sight. If I ever got a boyfriend, I'd make sure we didn't publicly display affection(PDA). I got into my cabin and went to my dresser. I picked out black jeans, green tanktop, and a pair of combat boots. I grabbed my knife and went to the outside world.

Fifteen minutes later, I was at Starbucks with Piper. I got a Cotton Candy Frap and it was soooo good. "So, what's the update on Vince?" Piper asked. She knew I had a crush on Vince. She was the only one that knew.

"He broke up with Grace," I said said smiling. Piper also smiled.

"So....what are you gonna do?" She asked. I only shrugged. "Come on. You have to have a plan to get a guy to ask you out," Piper continued. I thought about it for a second.

"I dunno. I think he might take me out tomorrow. He said I can't do anything I normal do," I said rolling my eyes.

"That'd be so cute," Piper said. We continued to talk and started to walk to camp.


When we got there, Jason joined us. As he joined, I left to go to the beach. Before going there, I slipped into the Poseidon cabin. I slipped on a blue bikini and rushed out. WIth my bikini on, you could see the marks Gabe left behind after hurting me. It didn't bother me much anymore. Before I knew it, I was at the beach.

I was about to dive in when I heard Percy's voice behind me. Probably with Annabeth. I dived into the water and swam as fast as I could. Ever since I swore on the River Styx, he doesn't pay that much attention to me. Only when I'm hurt or in trouble. I didn't want to talk to him out of nowhere. I swam until I couldn't. I drifted off to a sleep.


I woke up and found I was in my mom's apartment. "I found you on shore," My mom said when she saw I was awake.

I sat up and said, "I want to compete."

"Are you sure? Oh, and happy birthday," My mom said.

"Positive." And with that one word, my mom was on the phone arranging practices.

Twenty minutes later, she came in and said, "Your first competition is in a week. Practices are every other day." I smiled and hugged my mom. She would do almost anything for me. I honestly want one competition before I stop forever and focus on boys.

My first practice was today. So much for a perfect birthday. The first thing I practice, and the only thing for that day, was vault. Hope, a girl who was just starting for the first time, soon became my best friend within gymnastics.


Hours later, I finally got out of there. It was 2:00 pm and I headed to camp. What I didn't realized is that my world was gonna be completely flipped by the end of the day.

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