Diary #1

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Craigs POV:
Jesus this is cliche but its gonna have to do;


Hi my name's Craig Thompson I'm 14 from the UK and i'm a closeted Gay man in a christian household and my parents are extremely homophobic and love to talk down on anything lgbt and it kills me to know that my sister Madeline (Pronounced Mad-a-lin) will grow up in such a toxic household.
Im in my third year in High school where my class mates are constantly making fun of me or trying to get me to "Hook up" with this dude I don't remember his name exactly but his nickname's Terroriser and I can guess why

Well that'll have to do for now once again this is Craig Thompson

Hopefully the next one of these isn't to cheesy

Weeell hi guys this is gonna be a miniriser/terrorladd fanfic which we'll hopefully keep updated often

Highschool Drama - MiniriserDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora