Tuesday Hallway

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Brians POV
I had been thinking about the new kid all homeroom that when the bell rang I jumped a little being too distracted to check the time," Hey dude you okay? You're getting alot more distanced lately" I turned around to see the guys talking and Evan giving me a concerned look ,"Y-Yeah dude I'm fine lets just get outta here and go out back my first lesson's shit"
I said silently cursing at myself for stuttering now he knows somethings up I never stutter."Alright then just try and stay focused" he mentioned in a motherly tone. I looked back with my sarcastic "Yes mum" face
Looking back at my phone I saw that drawing again and I took the chance to open the profile the guy in the photo had on a large hoodie that said Mini on it must be a nick name and on it was a very small rainbow pin.

Craigs POV
I had finally finished my sketch it was crappy but I had a sketch I could line out maybe I could get it done in first I mean I have photography so I guess my teacher wouldn't mind. While I was walking I bumped into something I look up to see the same guy from homeroom who was staring at me. He looked me up and down then kept walking "Okay then?.." I told myself and continued my walk to class. Throughout all 1st period the question "Why was he looking at me" kept racing over me, I was carrying anything different than my sketchbook and my hoodie. Wait my hoodie has my pride pin on it oh for fucks sake Craig you couldn't cover the tiniest pin in an extra large hoodie now everyone's gonna find out your gay. This day is even more shit than yesterday

Highschool Drama - MiniriserOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz