chapter 3

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The next day the girls and I go to an arena to practice using the gem. We get there and I show them how to use the gem. I cast a spell the by saying "staris revalues" which removes the stars from its protective gem stones and "staris magnetos" which combines the gems forming a star ring and I then say "staris pica" which enhances the power of my hammer using the star magic

I and I hit my hammer which completely obliterates the dummy and leaves the arena shaking, weakened I start panting and fall on my knees, the girls come check on me

"Are you ok" the girls ask

"I'm fine, just a little weak" I respond tying to get up

"Why does the star use so much of your energy" asks Auriana

"It is only like that for the guardian not the princesses so you guys will not get hurt"

"What about you" Iris asked

"I'll be fine"

"Maybe we should go out for smoothies" Talia suggested

"No we need to train know before the blue moon gets here unless we would have to wait another millennium to use it" I insisted

"You need to rest the star used a lot of your energy and magic" Talia explained

"Fine, I could use some rest"

We get to the smoothie shop and I see Nathaniel and I wave to him so he waves back

"You know Nathaniel?" Iris asked

"Yes, he helped me find you guys yesterday"

'That is Nate for you he just loves helping others' Iris mentioned while blushing

'What is going on between you too?'

'Nathaniel is my boyfriend' Iris mentioned

'I'm happy for you. You guys seem like a very cute couple'

While talking to the girls a guy bumps into me holding some smoothies which spilled on me and I get so angry until I see his face. He had golden brown hair and blue eyes with a smile that lights up a room, holding a guitar with a scarf round his neck.

 He had golden brown hair and blue eyes with a smile that lights up a room, holding a guitar with a scarf round his neck

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"I am so sorry are...are you...o...ok" he says while stammering

"I'm fine" trying to cover the fact that I was blushing

'Hi, I am Anna my friends call me Anna I am new in town'

'Nice meeting you, I'm Zack sorry for the smoothie spill'

'No worries'

'I'll help you dry clean it I have a great deal with this drycleaner, best in the biz'

'Oh really'

'I might have over exaggerated a bit but he is really good'

'Sure, why not, I don't see how it could get worse'

'You look beautiful to me...I...I mean well... you get what I mean'

I could not help but smile

'Maybe we see again sometime, that is, if you want to'

'I'd love to'

'How about tomorrow at the park say 4:30'

'Sounds great'

He goes outside and picks a Rose

'Something to remember me by' he said

Auriana then whispers 'Anna has a boyfriend'

'Don't worry I think he likes you too' Iris said

Suddenly I could barely breathe, I get a splitting headache, my earring starts to glow and I hear a voice saying "you cannot fall in love with him" and before I know it I black out.

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