The final chapter

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'Thanks for saving me' Deinos thanked

'No problem' Kakos replied

'Look I'm sorry for trying to battle the princesses without you and storming off on you when I figured out you liked Anna' apologized

'Yah' Kakos replied

'I know it is al little late but are you ok?' Deinos asked

'Yah' Kakos lied

'You're not' Deinos yelled

'I am too' Kakos returned

'You can talk to me about this we are brothers' Deinos said

'It's just if I should like her it will cost us a whole lot and is my happiness really worth it' Kakos lamented

'Of course it is and you have to tell her how you feel' Deinos comforted

'I...I can't' Kakos stammered

'Yes you can don't be a chicken' Deinos teased

'How can I ask her out with all that I've put her through?' Kakos asked

'What's the worst that could happen?' Deinos asked

'You're right, I'll ask her' Kakos agreed

'Good luck' Deinos saluted

'Aren't you coming?' Kakos asked

'It would seem like a trap if I did and besides I have to give queen Praxina a progress report' Deinos explained

'Oh' Kakos sighed

'You'll be great I know it after all I am 15 seconds older' Deinos bragged

'Thanks' Kakos appreciated

'See you later' Deinos said

'You too' Kakos replied

At Iris' house

'Movie time I've got the popcorn' Auriana said

'I've got the drinks which we will probably need because Auriana forgot to put butter in the popcorn' Talia remarked

'I've got the movie' Iris said

'And I've got the tissues'

'Time for the best movie time ever' Auriana exclaimed

'A dove?'

'How did it get in?' Talia asked

'I kinda forgot to close the door' Auriana admitted

'It has a message' Iris realized

'It's for you Anna' Talia said

'The note is asking me to come outside'

'From who' Iris asked

'Doesn't say'

'Be careful' Talia said

She comes outside and meets Kakos

'What are you doing here?'

'I came to apologize' Kakos said

'Apologize?' the four girls chorused

'Yah but could we talk privately' Kakos asked


We get to the park

'So, your apology but I'm betting this is all an ambush'

'It can't be, you broke the spell remember' he reminded her

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