chapter 5

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In my unconscious state I hear the stars voice saying

'You refused to listen now you must be punished'

'You can do whatever you want but I will not leave Zack. Why are you doing this? A guardian can fall in love with a human so why are you punishing me'

'I am doing this for your own sake. You will thank me later'

I wake up to see a girl in dark long hair in a green dress using a crystal healius spell beside a girl wearing a purple top and blue jeans with a side pony tail. I manage to stand up and I ask,

'Thank you and your name is?'

'Lyna and my friend here is Carissa the girls have told me a lot about you'

'So what happened in your dream this time' asked Iris

'I saw the star again and it said it would punish me for liking Zack'

'Oh that sound awful, not being able to like a boy with their dreamy eyes and cute smile, wait what where we talking about again' Auriana mumbled

'But why is the star punishing you because I read that a guardian could fall in love with human' asked Talia

'I am wondering the same thing, I...I need to check on something'

I manage to walk to the phone and call Zack but it only goes back to voicemail. I checked everywhere for him but no one had seen him; it was like he disappeared off the face of the earth.

'The star took him as my punishment, I don't know how and I don't know where but it took him, this is my entire fault I should have stopped liking him when the star told me to'

'Hey, don't beat yourself up because of this' Iris said trying to comfort me

'Yeah, we will find him, I know it' Auriana said

'Thanks guys but he could have been wiped out of the face of the earth'

'Maybe he was' said Talia

'What do you mean' Auriana asked

'I read a book once on how the star used to keep its enemies captured in an abyss' Talia stated

'Yes, I was told in guardian school, it would keep them as prisoners in a space of nothingness'

'How can we get to him, it's not like the star will not just hand him over' Iris asked

'Maybe not, but did read on what might just be the solution to our problems, a key called uh... um....' Talia mumbled

'The key to the heart of the star, it would be used when a person was accidentally put into the abyss'

'Where is it' Auriana asked

'It can be found in the deepest parts of the evergreen fog in Ephedia'

'Are you sure you want to go after all that was where your brother was lost' asked Auriana

'If you don't we could go on our own' Iris said

'No, none of you knows what the key looks like plus it was my fault Zack was taken'

'Just know that we are right beside you' said Talia

'How do we even get there' asked Auriana

'I know the spell that can take us there' Talia mentioned

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