chapter 10

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The next day I start intense trainig for the girls

'Come on girls we have to be more prepared if we wan to get the darkorium fro Deinos and Kakos'

'Don't you think this is a little bit too much' Iris said as she panted

'I agree and that is saying something. Don't you tink ths is a little bit much

'Yah I am soo tired

'No we have to keep training so we can get the book back


'Now that your done basic training we can really get started

'What you mean that was basic traning

'Of course if the boys are going to use the darkorium we need to work twice as hard. Ok I have gotten even harder obsticles awaiting us, firstly is the...' I started before the phone rang wth Zack on the line

'Hey' he said


'So could you meet me at our spot please, I really need to talk to you' he said

'Sure be there soon. looks like training is done for the day'

'Yes!' Auriana exclaimed

'But why the sudden change of heart' Iris asked

'Zack said he wanted to talk to me'

'For what' Iris asked

'I don't know but he said it was important'

'Whatever you do be careful' Talia cautioned

'And don't forget to contact us if you see the twins' Iris reinded

'I won't'

'On my way to the spot I get captured by the twins and I noticed Kakos' eye coluor had changed.

Zack was able to hear my screams and chase after me

'What do you want from me

'We want the star' Deinos said

'And you better give it to us' Kakos commanded

'Where is the book'

'That is for us to know...' Kakos started

'And for you to never find out,lucis...' Deinos continued

'Morphe' Kakos finished

'Crystal protecta, staris pica' I yelled as I sheilded myself from the attack and hit them with my hammer

'You are pretty powerful...' Deinos ended

'But very weak' Kakos ended

'What? That dosen't even make sense'

'Enogh games, time for the big guns' Deinos said

'Lacimat motesor' they both yelled and a hundred black crystals showered me

'Crystal protecta' I said creating a shield but their combined magic was too strong and it broke

my shield injuring me and removing the locket I had

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