3. A Pirate's Life 7x2

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OK, so I know I was really negative in the last chapter, but I gave the new OUAT a chance and now I really do like it!😁


I kind of knew that it was gonna grow on me, but , you know, I had my doubts. I really thought the first episode was crap, but it did it's job with introducing the characters and all.

This episode had a better storyline than the last one. More happened, it was more complicated (like a real OUAT episode), and I was happier.

OK, so let's break down the story.

I know it's not at the beginning of the episode, but it really sticks out to me. Hook. He is one of my favorite characters. And if you read the first chapter of this book, you know how I felt when the other Hook came into the picture.

You know, at first you're thinking 'Oh no, not that guy again!', but as the episode progressed, you really got to know other Hook.

At first, you know, he was all like trick you, knock you out, steal your wife, but after he found out Emma was pregnant (I'm going to get to that) (AWWWW!), He was so nice!

So here I am thinking he's about to die (because real Hook stabbed him) and almost crying even though I didn't like him before this episode! AND THEN HIS DAUGHTER! 😭 I'm so glad he lives! (I told you, spoilers)

But, who is his daughter? Do we already know her? So many questions!

What is Gold up to now? He's always up to something and this can't be an exception. In this episode you sort of thought he was evil until the end where he played good. But is he good?😕 (Isn't that always the question?)

Plus those new names! Way to add confusion! Now Regina, Hook, and Rumple have THREE NAMES! Their first two aren't hard to remember, but now they have some random new names!😒

OK, so what about Henry? Now I really ship him with Cinderella! Like in the first episode I was just like 'They don't belong together, he's not made for her' but now, YES! I love them together!

And what he did for her! To let her see her daughter! Awww!!! He is so sweet, and he is totally crushing on her now!

'Wait, but you're missing the biggest part!' you might say. I'm just saving it for last.


I can't wait for her to have their baby!

I am so excited! But will Emma be in any more episodes this season? Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Jennifer Morrison's contract only say she'll be in one episode? I hope she'll be in

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