6. Eloise Gardner 7x7-Pretty in Blue 7x8

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I missed the last two episodes and I just watched them at the same time, so I'm having trouble remembering what happens in which one. So that's why they're on the same chapter.


Oh my gosh!!!!!!

So we finally found out who Other Hook's daughter is!!!

I should've guessed it.

But I never would've guessed who her mom was.

Mother Gothel, really?

Awww!! But it was sooooo cute when Hook was taking care of Alice😭

I wish they knew who each other was.

But I'm so glad that what's her name (the bad lady) got arrested. But now there's a way worse villain.

Yay for Regina for throwing that cake away that Mother Gothel gave Hook.

I wonder why Regina and Henry are going to Los Angeles. Hmmmm ( • • )

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