4. Beauty 7x4

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(Sorry I missed the last episode. I didn't watch it that night, and nothing really happened anyway.)

                 * AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Belle. She was back. And then she wasn't.😃 😐 😨 😭

I can't believe she died!

We were having such a good time and then, boom, dead.

Why would they do that?! She couldn't have just been living her life away from the new curse this whole time? Gah!!!

But Gideon was back. Yay!!!!! I really did like him. (You know, while he was trying to kill Emma and pretty much everyone else.)

I wonder if he'll show up again.😕

So Alice. She seems to be the only one who knows what's going on (besides Henry's daughter, what's-her-face).

I wonder if Gold remembers now. I wonder if he'll be Henry's August. Like, remember how August was trying to help Emma believe back in the first season? Oh wait, the August character is probably Alice. Woopsie.

And what about Henry's daughter. I don't even remember her name. 😂

Why does she know about it anyway? Why did Henry know about it? Like, they just read a random book and decided it's real. Mary Margaret gave Henry his book. But where did Henry's daughter get hers? Like did she buy it from a bookstore? What would make  her want to believe that?

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