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In this chapter: Harry starts his training for Quidditch with Oliver Wood, in Charms they begin learning the levitation charm. Hermione tries to help Ron when they get paired together, but she seems unable to do it without sounding/being condescending. This causes Ron to complain loudly, which she hears. She cries in the bathroom and when a troll attacks the school, Harry and Ron realize Hermione doesn't know and go to save her. In the end they succeed and Hermione gets them out of trouble, resulting in them all becoming friends.

Hogwarts was split in half.

No not literally, the castle itself was intact. It was the students. The events in chapter nine of the Harry Potter Books (as they were now known) had sparked quite the debate. It went like this: The majority of the Gryffindors were upset over how the duel went down, or didn't. They thought Malfoy was a coward to back out of the duel, and a sneak as well. The majority of the Slytherins, however, praised Malfoy on his cleverness and thought it just bad luck that Potter and his friends didn't get caught. So where do the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws stand? The Hufflepuffs were on the Gryffindor's side. Honor! Integrity! You say you're to duel at midnight, you duel at midnight! Even if it's stupid, your word is worth more than anything. The Ravenclaws, well they couldn't help but think it much smarter of the Slytherin to stay out of it and get his enemy out with just a quick tip to the caretaker.

It lead to many arguments and duels in the hallways, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff vs Slytherin and Ravenclaw. It was unlikely someone could go anywhere without getting hexed just for the house they were in. Which was unfortunate for some. Like those Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs who agreed with the Slytherins and Ravenclaws, and the other way around. And those who had no opinion and was just doing their hardest to stay out of the drama. But then there were those who were in their element, like the Weasley twins.

Hermione would claim loudly for anyone to hear that she was against all of this, but deep down she was enjoying it a little. And it was great practice for Defense. This was worse for the teachers. Dumbledore had not done much to get it under control, mind it had only been a day (yes just a day). Madam Pomfrey had a new hex to undo every minute.

The funniest bit of all of this? Harry, Ron, and Draco cared least of all. It was something stupid they did when they were first years that they didn't even think about anymore. They hardly sat together and had a laugh about it, but all three found the utter chaos their eleven year old idiocy caused to be rather funny. Sure, they took part, a hex here and there, but only because it was fun for them.

Yes, the day was certainly eventful. In fact, it started interesting. Dumbledore had made a speech at breakfast about the Harry Potter Books, which was the first time he addressed them to the entire school.

"As we all know, we are learning quite a bit about a student we know." Cue everyone turning to look at Harry. "And some revelations are quite upsetting. Be that as it may, it is still wrong to send jinxed mail to muggles."

Dumbledore paused for what this stirred at the tables. Some seemed to be a bit lost but most caught on quickly and a few started clapping. Harry sunk down into his seat while Ron explained to Seamus and Dean what they did.

Draco glanced at Pansy, who looked pleased with herself. "You jinxed his aunt and uncle?"

"Yup!" Pansy said popping the P on the word.

"And you didn't include me on hexing muggles, why?" Draco asked.

"Because, idiot, it wasn't about hexing muggles, that was just an added bonus. It was about getting those muggles back for child abuse. And that doesn't mean I like Harry, before you ask, it just means I hate those Dursleys."

"Why wasn't I included?" Blaise asked.

"Because you are not a prefect, and keeping it between all of the prefects gave us the perfect cover if anyone caught us." Pansy said. Draco gaped at her.

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