I'm married?

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Recap: 10 minutes later Hera said you may kiss the bride and I leaned in and..........

Percy's POV: 

I kissed her, it was wonderful. After the wedding we had a party well Mortal parties are cool and demigod parties are awesome but God parties are AMAZING!!!! It was massive it went on for hours.

Artemis's POV:

I was quite glad that I got married to Percy, he is very nice and caring.....but I haven't told the hunters yet.....

Percy's POV:

 After the party, I found Artemis and she said to me just two words, The Hunters. Uh oh I thought, believe it or not i was partially afraid of them when it came to Artemis. We flashed to their camp. Artemis started speaking.

Artemis's POV: 

Well hunters when I was gone, umm...... then Phoebe spoke up, Lady Artemis why is  that boy here. Well I said, that boy you are talking about is my new........husband. All the hunters looked to Percy, he just gave a smile and started running.

Percy's POV: 

Damn it, I said when an arrow hit me in my arm. I ran even faster, I ran right a cliff. They cornered me, oops I said looks like you got me. The hunters surged towards me, Thalia looked unsure, wai.... but that's all she could say before the hunters jumped at Percy and he fell off the cliff. NOOOO, Thalia shouted. And then a bird started flying up..........

Percy Jackson Betrayal (Pertemis)Where stories live. Discover now