Piano Player (Two)

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Its October 19. 7 pm. One hour before the concert begins. Dan's already sitting by his piano, the curtains of the stage closed so the audience can't see him. The only problem being, he can't see the audience either, meaning he can't see if Phil came to watch him play.

He was nervously fidgeting with the neatly written music sheets. He wasn't going to be the only one performing, there were going to be other instruments but the piano was the center of attention, and he had written the song too, the pressure was on him.

His hands, sweaty, as he was trying a little too hard to take a peak and look for Phil in the audience.

Having been incapable of forgetting those blue eyes, and that smirk that made you feel as if you were sitting in the cold all your life and you had finally felt the sun on your skin for the first time. And the sound of Phil's voice was like music to Dan's ears as he remembered the small conversation they had the other day. That's saying a lot coming from a musician.

The last hour before the concert flew by, everyone was in position, and the curtains opened, showing a huge audience, hundreds of people sitting waiting for Dan to start.

The blinding lights made it impossible for him to distinguish anybody, he just saw a few silhouettes.

Dan sighed, worry setting in the pit of his stomach. He just hoped Phil was there to listen, Dan wanted him to be there. He couldn't believe he was more worried about one person of a hundreds in concert hall, but he had to be honest with himself, he cared, maybe a little too much.

Looking at his music sheets he placed his hands on his white piano and started playing smoothly letting the music flow from his fingers onto the keys as natural as ever.

The concert went by way too fast and before he knew it, it was over. People were impressed they stood and gave Dan a standing ovation for his work, and he smiled as he felt relief wash over him, not completely though, he still had to find phil.

The curtains closed, everyone walked up to Dan, patting him on the back, congratulating him, saying it was probably going to be one of the best concerts anyone had ever seen.

He held onto his music sheet for dear life, he felt as if it was going to disappear at any minute if he didn't. Dan didn't want to lose them , they meant too much to him, strangely, more than any other music he ever composed, he really didn't know why, or at least that's what he told himself.

Even though he was glad people loved that concert, all he wanted was to get out there and catch Phil before he left. He could already see everyone was leaving, empty seats everywhere, what if Phil had gotten bored and left, what if they never saw each other again.

Dan smiled and said thank you to everyone, walking fast all the way out of the theater and outside the doors. He looked around for a while but he couldn't find Phil.

The cold October night made him shiver as he stood by the bench were he had met Phil for the first time and only time, hoping that somehow he would know to go there.

He sat there quietly hugging himself looking for warmth and just stayed there, waiting, for another hour. He sneezed as he painfully stood up, sadden by the fact that he might never see Phil again and give him the music sheets that he inspired, and maybe even try to know him a little better.

Dan looked around one last time, inside and outside the concert hall, and everything was empty, not a single soul around him. He sighed once more and made his way home, holding his notebook tightly with his hands.

The next day Dan woke up around noon. The sad feeling remained in his stomach as he forced himself out of bed. He really didn't have much to do, now that his work was done until a new concert was announced. So even though he really didn't feel like it, he went outside to his favorite coffee shop, hoping the caffeine would make him feel more energized, and even happy maybe.

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