I love you

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Summary: Dan and Phil say "I love you" for the first time and its cute. 

Warnings: none

It was moments like this, lying next to each other. The only sound being  slow breathes and the TV quietly playing a long-forgotten show in the background.

And Phil looked away from the screen and turned his head, looking at the young boy wrapped in his arms. An 18-year-old, with a lot of issues, and imperfections, all loved by Phil.

And the teenager, fast asleep laid his head on his boyfriend's chest. And all Phil could do was admire the beauty that was that boy.

And he brushed Dan's brown fringe out of his face, gently, trying not to wake him up and just looked at him.  

Memories of past nights, nights just like this, just the two of them, together, running through his head like scenes from a movie.

And Phil's heart skipped a beat, racing and pounding against his chest so loud he was afraid it might wake Dan up. And it was just emotion seeping through his body and everything he remembered engrained his head, all the memories of Dan.

And they hadn't said it, they just hadn't, but Phil loved that boy. He felt for Dan more than he ever thought he could feel for a person.

And every time he was with him, he felt dazed with how enamored he could feel.

He wrapped his arms tighter around Dan, afraid that somehow he was just a fragment of his imagination and he would just fade into thin air...because how could a guy like Phil be so lucky to have found someone like Dan.

And their relationship was still new, only a few months, and for many people it might seem too fast, too early, too impulsive to be falling for someone so hard, but it couldn't be helped. When Phil became aware of how much he needed Dan, it was already too late to go back, and it's not like he wanted to anyways.

And the young boy shivered, feeling the cold from the night and cuddled into Phil even more, bringing them closer, if that was even possible.

And Phil took the green and blue checkered blanket they were sharing and draped it gently over Dan and himself.

And he looked down again, at Dan. And smiled...

"I love you" he said, barely a whisper, fondness falling from his lips. The silence from the night and the weight of the confession falling on them as Phil touched Dan's cheek gently.

"say it again" Dan said quietly, eyes still closed but a smile lightly resting on his face.

And Phil, not expecting a response at first still did what he was asked "I love you"

And Dan opened his eyes and looked into Phil's ocean colored ones, leaned in and kissed him gently.

"I love you too" 

A/N: Ok I should be working on my english essay, but I just had to write something like this cause ahh its too cute! ok thats all, enjoy bye. The song attached above is just a song a I really like.

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