6 years ago

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Stephanie's pov:
We are going to see my sisters ranch that she lives on with her boyfriend of 5 years.
Hunter: so what are we going to do when we get there
Shane: well mum and dad are already there waiting for us and to be picked up by lil sis, so we will find out when we get there.

After a hour drive we found the spot that we where meeting michaela (our sister) at, after about five minutes she comes galloping on one of her horses. She was always been a speed freak from vehicles to animals. Especially when dad put her on a pony, she took it like a natural from doing trick riding to barrel racing to going on hacks.

(Play video at 0.39)
We where in the stands by we I mean the whole WWF, michaela didn't know this she thought we would not be able to make it because of our work but we did and what we saw was something I didn't even believe was real she did amazingly and she won 1st place at free riding and I couldn't be prouder no one could, when it was all over we all stood up and applauded her and her horse. You could see how happy she was when she was us in the stands.

Michaela's pov:
My family couldn't make it which I thought was sad but I knew it would go on live television so that they could see it. I was riding soul, he was Stone colds horse that he gave to me for my 16th birthday which was only 6 months ago and I was doing all the tricks I could think off and thankfully it when with out a hitch I thought I could fall of them I did my spins but I didn't which made me even happier. After my performance I looked up at the stand which was making the most noice, that's when I noticed the whole WWF was there and they saw my performance. I thanked the crowed and I got Soul back into the trailer after unpacking him cause I didn't want him to stress out to much and after I did that I turned around and to my surprise the WWF was behind me and they where smiling and Some where crying a bit. I was just happy that they saw my performance.

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