6 years later

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Michaela's pov:

It's been 5 years since I have been back to America. I have been stationed in North Korea for 1 year and 4 years in Iraq. I miss my family but I chose to country and it's what I do and love.

Waking up in the desert with a beautiful sunrise and knowing that I'm not just saving my life but other people's lives makes me feel happy. I'm currently watching WWE's tribute of the troops which still amazes me. You know seeing people in the audience that you served along side you to protect your country, it makes me smile.

"MCMAHON WE HAVE SOME NEW ROOKIES THAT HAVE TO BE SHOWN THE WAYS AROUND HERE, COME SHOW THEM" that's my cue. I jogged over to my friend and general,  and I showed about 30 lads to where they are staying and I showed them where lunch is served, I asked one of the troops that was coming out of the cafeteria to show them where we do role call every day and night while I show the girls to their tents. Being a colonel I got my own tent.

Shane's pov:

I miss my sister. WWE started tribute to the troops for my sister Michaela being in the army. She sadly hasn't called in over 4 months our mum and dad are both worried. Actually most of WWE in general are worried both the superstars and the universe. I just hope she is ok and just caught up with work more than anything. I pray. My whole family pray. WWE pray before any show is put on, we pray and a massive family for all the troops to come home safe and sound.

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