Chapter 15

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Logan's P.O.V

"Thank you for helping me today." I said as we placed the bags on the counter. "No problem. Your parents wont mind me staying, right?" He asked taking a seat.

"Alik, you stay the night at my house all the time. You grew up in this house. I'm absolutely positive they wont mind. You're part of this family remember?" I said as we walked up to my room. I pulled out some paper, paint, glitter and all that other jazz so we could make invitations. I threw everything on the bed and sat cross legged. "I want to make them look really good and make them match the theme. Don't put superheroes on them like you did with my Christmas invitations." I said handing him something he could write on. I never was into buying invitations, I liked making them because I liked showing off my penmanship and art skills.

After we made approximately 150 invites, we changed into our pajamas and I crawled into bed and Alik laid out on the floor. "Are you sure you don't want me to drag my sisters mattress in here. I feel bad that you're sleeping on just a couple blankets on the floor." I asked looking down at him. "I'm fine." He simply stated.

I got up and walked to my sisters room and tossed her blankets off the mattress. I pulled it into the hallway and Alik stepped in front of me. "I don't need it." He paused for a second. "But I have an idea." He took it from me and placed it at the top of the stairs.

"Come on." He motioned for me to sit with him. I did and he held onto me as he pushed it down the stairs. We screamed the whole way down and laughed when we hit the bottom. We pulled it back up and did it once more. "You two are so much trouble." My mom said interrupting our laughter. "Sorry, we got bored. I can take it back up to Ash's room." I said standing up and straightening myself up.

"It's fine just be careful and you better not tell your sister you used her mattress to stair surf." She said laughing and walking away. I loved having Alik here because I got away with most things. We dragged it in my room this time after getting back up the stairs. "I think it's time to go to sleep." I said making up his bed and climbing right back into mine.

Alik's P.O.V

I woke up to someone screaming. I looked over to Logan and she was kicking and screaming. I jumped up and shook her. "Loggs, Come on get up it's just a dream." She jumped up in a cold sweat. She grabbed onto me and began crying. "What what's wrong love. Come on tell me." I said rocking her back and forth. "He raped me." Was all she whispered.

Logan's P.O.V

I couldn't keep it from him anymore. Alik needed to know.  I sat there and told him everything that happened, Alik growing angrier by the minute. "No one touches the girl I love like that." He screamed. "W-what?" I asked looking up him. "N-nothing. Nothing, why didn't you tell me sooner." He asked changing the subject and getting red. "I was scared, but what did you just say." I asked going back to what he said. "I didn't say anything, let's just go back to bed." He said pulling the blankets over us and wrapping his arms around my waist. "I didn't know you loved me." I said slowly drifting back to sleep.

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