The clowns dead

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Y/n had finally made her way down the well it toke I lot of time and multiple cuts but she did it. Flicking on her flash light while her nose was filled with the terrible smell of the sewers.

Her feet sloshing in the ,Ankle deep water as she walking quietly scanning the small tunnel with her flash light after what seemed like forever she made her way to a vault door something that looked like it belonged in a bank.It was quit hard to move the little she had to so she could fix though, after she made her way though the gap she found her self in a huge room in the middle there was pile apon pile of toys,clothes,trash and other useless things following her flash light it landed on the cart at the bottom of it.

Y/n turned her head in confusion walking closer to it putting her free hand on the side reading the scathed out words "pennywise the d-ancing clown heh .. Penny cute" y/n giggled at the name it really was cute ,looking around the room more she noticed another well in one of the sides walking towards it she tripped over something making her scape her elbows on the floor she yelped in pain and anger looking over at what she fell on she picked it up and looked at it, it looked like a gun but it was sliver an it had a pull part she sighed throwing it into the well she quickly reached in her bag pulling out her first aid kit quickly and carful wrapping up both her elbows sigh heavily she got of the floor and walked to the well on the other side of the room she shone her flash down it seeing the thing she just threw she thought about leaving looking at her watch noticing the time but before she could wonder back to far she heard soft moans of pain and grunts her eyes saddened.

Was someone down here she ran to the well looking down it before throwing her self down it without thinking she landed on her back grunting in pain "well that was stupid y/n" she said to herself getting up slowly she placed a hand on the wall walking down the tunnel she just fell into holding her stomach she noticed a light one her right . On the floor was a figure in what looked like a clown suit from the 70-90s she backed up a little bit just to be safe "is it dead " is all y/n thought.

Pic not mine
445 words not bad

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