27 years friend

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After all the boxes were inside you and your sister were soaking you moved the rain out of your eyes sighing looking at the sky "don't think it gonna clear up anytime soon" you looked to your sister noticing that she was already inside ".....alright good talk "you sighed your arms going to your sides you looked around breathing deeply though your nose "popcorn........wait" you looked around stopping seeing the balloon again.

"Red balloon" you followed the balloon as it got pulled into the sewers you looked back to the house before following "great into the sewers again y/n what you going see this time a werewolf " you sighed wiggling into the drain breathing heavily squinting your eyes seeing the air coming from out your mouth. (There's no point in being down here y/n ) you sighed deciding to head back spinning around hearing someone call you name you looked into the darkness seeing those sky blue eyes as that cute sweet chuckle filled your ears   ".......... P-penny"

Sorry guys this one short

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