Chapter Two: Steps to Murder

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It was finally Friday, Parker, Claire, Callie, Miranda and Sara had just got back to Miranda's house from the theatre, witch they saw 'Happy Death Day', The new horror movie out.

''Guys, I want to let you all in on a secret, I just need to know I can trust you all to keep it a secret too'' Miranda said

''Ok..?'' Sara asked

''I can keep a secret, only if it doesn't involve hurting yourself'' Claire said

''I promise to keep it a secret'' Callie said

''Spill'' Parker smiled

''Ok, So yesterday in class, Mrs. Motorway handed out these diaries. We have to write our feelings in it, and only I get to see what's inside. Mrs. M cant read them, neither can anyone... Unless I let them'' Miranda said

''That's the secret?'' Sara asked

''No, Jim threw this one at me, and... I'm so fed up with him, I just.. wish he was, Somehow gone'' Miranda said

''We all wish that'' Claire said

''So anyways, on the first page, I wrote 'The kill list' And the first name, is Jim's'' Miranda said. ''I wanted to write down a way to kill him, but not actually go through with it, Ya know? Let my anger out''

''Oh, I completely understand'' Parker said ''I do it too''

''So, I figured, on page one. We could all think of a cool way to kill Jim'' Miranda said

''You want us to write down a way to kill the rich bully'' Sara asked

''yea, why not'' Callie said.

''If you don't wanna, I wont force you to do anything'' Miranda said. ''But maybe it will help relieve your anger''

''Ok, Hand it over'' Claire said. Miranda reached into the middle of the circle, handing the book to Claire, who opened it. She grabbed Miranda's fluffy pink pen, and wrote down.

1) Take Jim to the wood's.

Sara was next. 2) Distract him with a noise machine.

Than Callie. 3) Hit him over the head with a shovel.

And finally Miranda and Parker. 4) Dump his body in the lake.

Miranda smiled, ''Well, this sounds like a good plan''

''I like it'' Sara said ''No one would even know if he died''

''Are we really going to kill him?'' Parker asked, looking hopeful.

''No, Of course we aren't really going to kill him Parker. We aren't crazy'' Sara said

''Well, I didn't know'' Parker said. Miranda took the book from her hands, and shut it. She put the book in her drawer.

''Who wants popcorn?'' Miranda asked.


The girls sat on Miranda's couch in the den, watching a horror movie, '47 metres down', It was the 2017 summer shark film.

''Don't go without Kate!'' Miranda yelled at the TV

''The shark's not gonna freaking care, it's gonna eat you!'' Claire said, and the jump scare made them scream.

''This movie is messed'' Sara said laughing ''I like it''

''Parker, are you okay?'' Callie asked, looking at her. She was on her phone.

''Yea, i'm good''

'Ok' Everyone smiled. ''Well I'm gonna get to bed'' Miranda said

''Ok, well let's all go get ready than''

Everyone went upstairs to Miranda's room, and got into their PJ's and blew up their air mattress. Than they all passed out. Except Parker.

She opened her eyes, and looked at the book, on the side wrote, ''The Kill List'', Parker smiled. Than closed her eyes.

 Than closed her eyes

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