Chapter Seven: Interrogation

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''Where were you Saturday night!'' Detective Tanner shouted

''I was at home, studying, My parents can even confirm it'' Miranda said

''Why weren't you out with your friends?''

''I care more about my future, and education, than I do about some stupid little thing to do on a Saturday night, officer. Now can I please see my parents'' Miranda asked

''Not until we are finished with you'' Tanner said

''Oh my god'' Miranda groaned.

The police station door opened, and in came Miranda's parents, A girl, about 18, with brown hair walk in, and than Nick came in following behind her.

''Where's my daughter! Where the hell is Miranda'' Mrs. Redding said

''Ma'am, we need you to be patient'' The security woman said.

''I will remain calm, and patient, all you want. But first, my daughter''

''We cant let you see her yet'' The woman explained

''Its illegal to talk to my kid, without me present, she isn't even old enough to be questioned without an adult present'' Mr. Redding said

''Fine, ill go get your daughter, sit down. And wait, I will be back''

Five minutes passed, until the woman came walking out, with Miranda. Miranda smiled, running into her moms arms, As If she were 5 years old again.

''Miranda, what's going on'' Mrs. Redding asked

''Mom, they think I killed Jim'' Miranda cried ''I had nothing to do with it, I promise on Mamaw's life''

''Hunny, I know you would never kill a living person'' Mr. Redding said ''But I'm not so sure about your friend Parker, and the same with that other friend Sara''

''Parker's dead daddy...'' Miranda sobbed,

''Miranda...'' The brown hair girl said, standing up from behind her father.

''Sutton'' Miranda cried letting go of her mom, and going to her sister. The two embraced in a hug. ''When did you get home?''

''Mom and dad called me, I was already on my way back. So I met them here'' Sutton said ''Its so amazing to see you, it's been a year''

''I've missed you'' Miranda cried ''Thank you so much, for being here. This is my boyfriend, Nick Cadwell'' Miranda smiled, reaching her hand out for him to grab, He hugged her tight.

Claire and Callie came out of the room, Miranda looked and ran to hug them.

''What did they ask you?'' Miranda asked

''They asked if I'd ever had homicidal or suicidal thoughts'' Callie said ''Like, bitch. It aint any of their business''

''They asked me if I'm really as innocent as I seem'' Claire said

''They questioned you, out of all people?'' Miranda asked

''It surprised me too'' Callie said

The police dismissed the three to leave, but kept Sara for further interrogation.

''Here, ill drive you with me'' Sutton said

''No,.... I'm gonna go to Nick's for a while'' Miranda said ''If that's fine''

''Well, I guess'' Mrs. Redding said ''Just be home by 10, okay?''

''Ok mom'' Miranda smiled, rubbing her arm.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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