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the last concert.

lights fill the stadium.
bodies fill the chairs.

the air is a mixture of sweat, suspense, and excitement.

you can feel it

the lights go down,
and the crowds breathe as one.

as one.
one heart
one soul
one voice

they chant

"kim seokjin
min yoongi
jung hoseok
kim namjoon
park jimin
kim taehyung
jeon jungkook"

the lights go up.

there, illuminated in light,
seven shadows

who have grown up together.

kids, to boys,
boys to men,
men to idols,
and idols,

back to nothing.

"hello, ARMY,
last time we can call you that
standing here together,
for a while, huh?"

"we love you all, unconditionally. we wouldn't be here without you."

"we want to thank you, for all that you have done for us. for bringing us on this amazing, incredible journey"

"we hope, that we have inspired you, and helped you to love yourself and know that part of a family like this one,
you never walk alone"

"these boys, and all of you fans are family to me, and that's why we're not saying goodbye today. families don't say goodbye, so don't be sad today"

"because we love you, and you love us.
or at least i hope so. but goodbye's aren't in this families vocabulary"

"so before we perform, we would like to say, as a group"

"see you soon"


the concert is over.

the lights are out.
the stands are empty
the air is dull.

seven boys,
normal boys,
stand upon the stage.

eyes closed, heads raised
holding their last moment,
together, in their minds,
so that they'll never forget it.

they wish for the moment not to end,
but time is cruel,
and unforgiving.

it passes.

goodbye, bangtan

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