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the last hug

standing triumphant
upon the stage
after singing their
hearts out

they gathered
in the middle

fans screamed and cheered
a mass of crying and laughter

nobody was really happy
nobody cared

this last moment
is forever.

and so they held it
standing there,
looking down at their fans

looking up,
at their idols.

the boys stretched out,
and hugged.

the crowd exploded,
cheering their names

for the last time
because this is the last time
that they are truly ours.

before they fall in love
and have children
get married
grow old.

one day, this family
will branch off
into many more

and will forget
that they all have
a bond



this is the last time
we can try
say they are ours

the boys stood on stage
raised their eyes to the sky
in an act of defiance.

they cried
and let the emotions pour out

it was addicting
that feeling
the high

knowing that they didn't care
not anymore
they were all hurting
and it was okay
because hurting is natural
hurting is human

and though time is cruel
time also feels sorry
for what it has done
and so time

helps us
to heal

and finally,
from the crowd,
came the voices

goodbye, bangtan

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