thank you.

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rome wasn't built in a day
but this book was fucking written in one.

to anybody who reads this, in the future or the next week, even, thankyou.

for being part of something beautiful, and wonderful like this.

this book is purely my own work, and it conveys a lot of thoughts and feelings i have myself

but i want you to know, that you're never alone. not with a family like this.
no matter how alone you may feel

we are a family.
now and forever.

a slightly cringy, but fitting quote;

"ohana means family.
family means that nobody gets left behind or forgotten"

idols are people too.

one day, the things they do will come to an end,
they will move on with their lives.

but from this, we must learn,
life is a beautiful thing if it is looked at the right way.

i don't really remember what i did before i started listening to bts, but i wasn't in a great place

through the years 2013 to 2017,
i'd attempted to end my life four times

and i know how cheesy it sounds, but after discovering bts and the hope they spread through their lyrics, suddenly, i didn't feel as alone anymore.

but it's okay.
maybe not now,
but it will be

time is cruel,
and unforgiving,
it reminds us of things
that we wish
not to be reminded of.

but time also takes the pain away.
it lets us live,
and let go

and one day, bts will be something i let go of too.

but for now, i want to say thankyou
because even if they don't see this, at least it is known.

you never walk alone.

i dedicate this book to my best friends,
evie and thea

for never giving up on me, through my best and worst times, and even when i felt like i was going nowhere

i love you. all. especially people who have taken the time and effort to read my stories.


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