the memories

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the last interview

"how do you think
your breakup
will affect you
and your fans?"

she asked.

the leader
took the mic

"army have done
so much for us
and we can never
repay them for the
joy that they have bought
into our lives.

but this journey is over,
as much as it saddens me
to say so.

but we are a family,
and families are together,

in mind,
in body,
and in soul.

when we are with army,
we are home.

and so that is why
whether in ten years
or twenty
we want our family
to still rely on eachother
and stay happy,
healthy, and loving.

army is one of the best
families out there.
mutual love and respect
is always present.

and so we want army
to know,
that we,
in their hearts
are still the members
of bts.

but also, we are a family,
and family
is forever"

the lady smiles,
and the tape stops rolling.

goodbye, bangtan

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