Chapter 5

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After an awkward moment of staring at the newly introduced Ranma and Raina, the Tendos and the Saotomes sat down, with Saotomes in the front.

"Let's start over," the Saotome head started," my name is Genma Saotome and these are my children," he gestured to the Saotome twins.

"Ranma," Ranma said while looking to his sister.

"And Raina," Raina said looking down at her palms.

"Were you really them?" Kasumi asked," that red haired boy and girl." Ranma and Raina just nodded and looked at each other.

"So how should we explaine," Genma said with his hand on his chin," Oh I know." He then picked up the twins and threw them into the pond behind them. What came up wasn't the Saotome twins, but the red haired twins they first found. The red haired boy, Raina-kun resurfaced first an yelled," what you do that for!? Ranma-chan resurfaced next and said the same thing that Raina-kun said.

"Oh my son!" Genma said slightly crying," turned into something as weak as a girl, but Raina I'm so proud of you, I finally have two sons!" Ranma-chan and Raina-kun growled, got up, and together kicked their father in the pond. What resurfaced wasn't Genma but a panda wearing Genma's glasses.

"You're one to talk!" The Saotome twins yelled," our father's a panda!" They then started punching Genma. Grnma started fighting back an it turned into a full out brawl. The Tendo's started watching in a mix of shock, confusion, and boredom. The latter for Akane and Akashi.

"Father you sure do have strange friends." Kasumi said with her hand on her cheek.

"They weren't always like this," Soun said," this happened after a training expedition. How' but we let them sober up and they could explain."

Ranma and Raina 1/2: Double the ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now