Chapter 6

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Thank you guys for over a hundred reads. Honestly I didn't think one of my books would get this far. You can see I have a lot of faith in myself *sarcasm*. Now as thanks for the reads I'll do a chapter that should be longer than the others if not sorry' bout that. Enjoy!


After the Saotomes calmed down and got their dose of hot water, the Tendos sat ready for the tale.

"It all started over a month ago," Genma began.


"Welcome to the accursed springs of Jusenkyo," the guide announced as he lead the Saotomes into the training ground.

"Doesn't look like much," Raina stated blandly as she sat down her backpack.

"I agree with, sis," Ranma agreed as he too set down his pack," but we should at least give it a shot."

"Fine," Raina replied dryly as she jumped up onto one of the bamboo poles," hey what're ya waitin for!"

"Are you ready, Ranma," Genma asked his son.

"Yeah," Ranma shouted as he jumped onto the pole with his father in pursuit.

"I won't be going easy on you, kids," Genma called from his position from a pole.

"That's just how we like it!" The Saotome kids called back with identical arrogant smirks. Genma started straight away rushing to the twins. Ranma smirked as he dodged his father's punch and Raina punched her father in the face sending him straight to another pole. Genma stumbled but managed to regain his balance. Then out of no where Ranma kicked him in the face sending him into one of the cold pools below. Ranma smirked and Raina gave her brother a thumbs up. Looking down they noticed Genma was in there for a few moments. Intrigued Raina asked,"Pop are we done already?" Just then the twins noticed bubbles. Ranma gave his sister a face that read," guess not." But what happened next surprised them. Instead of their father coming out of the pool, a panda did... Wearing Genma's glasses. Shocked the twins didn't have time to react as the panda punched them both in the face sending them into the same spring.

"Uh oh," the guide mumbled as he sweated profusely. The panda and the guide ran straight to the pool waiting for the Saotome twins to come out. Instead of two black heads of hair, two red heads of hair came out. The two unfamiliar people dragged themselves out of the spring. Ranma stood up shakily, while his sister tried to regain her breath.

"They fall into Nyannichuan," the guide stated talking to the panda which the twins found out was their father," or spring of gender change(A/N: I don't know). Raina finally stood up, and the twins simultaneously looked down, looked towards each other, and screamed. Loudly. And I mean very loudly. It was so loud it was-

*Cut flashback*

"Pops, they get it," Raina and Ranma stated. Genma just shrugged.

"It was loud," The twins just rolled their eyes.

*Continue flashback*

The twins looked back to their father in rage.

"This is all your fault!" They yelled. The panda made an 'eep' sound and started to run.

"Come back here!!!"

*end flashback*

"And that is how the true horror of Jusenkyo was revealed," Genma concluded.

"What'do ya mean true horror!" Ranma yelled.

"This would have happened if you didn't take us there!" Raina yelled, beginning to stand up.

"Ranma, Raina," Genma said crossly, also standing up," your sounding like girls!" He then threw them into the pond. After a few moments the twins resurfaced, red hair clinging to their faces.

"News flash," Raina-kun shouted arms crossed," I am a girl!"

"Weren't you ready to give your life for martial arts!" Genma asked ignoring his daughter turned son. Ranma-chan came up, some how with a bucket in his- er her- I mean (you know what I mean) hands.

"My life yes, but my man hood is another story!" Ranma-chan then splashed Genma turning him into a panda. The twins and their father then proceeded to fight childishly i.e a stereotypical cat fight, while the Tendos watched with sweatdrops. Soun then had the right mind to intervene taking out a kettle.

"So cold water turns ya into a boy," Soun replied pouring the water over the cursed girl. She screamed. Hey that water was scaldingHe then went to Genma and did also," and hot water turns you to normal." Genma came back up from his position and replied," it needn't be that hot Tendo." He then tried to do it to Ranma-chan but she dodged.

"I don't need to be fried old man!" She complained.

"No matter, back to the chance at hand," Tendo replied as he put a hand on her shoulder," you must pick one of my daughters as your new fiancé.. The two older siblings were behind Akane as if saying," Choose Her,"

"You would want Akane!" Kasumi replied politely with a hand on her sister's shoulder. Nabiki nodded in agreement. Akashi was snickering at his twin.

"Me?! Why do I have to!" Akane protested looking enraged.

"You hate boys right? Well your in luck Ranma' half girl." Nabiki replied

"But I would never marry him. He's a pervert!" Akane retorted.

"Pervert?" Ranma-chan asked bewildered. Akane stood up and went up to his face.

"You saw me in the nude you Baka!"

"Woah woah woah," Raina but in angrily coming out of the corner she was in," excuse me but I believe you walked in on us!"

"No matter he still saw me naked! So he's a pervert." Ranma and Akane started to fight while Raina went back to her corner fuming slightly. Soun and Genma were chuckling at their children's quarrel.

"They already are like a married couple!" Soun noted. Ranma-chan and Akane heard the remark and turned towards them angrily.

"We are not a couple!" They yelled in unison. At that remark, Akashi let lose with the fit of laughs he was holding in. Raina was already laughing. The two looked at each other and grinned.

"I like you, but I won't say I'll marry you!" Raina remarked still grinning.

Akashi grinned," Like wise!"

"Well at least two of them are getting along," Nabiki remarked. Kasumi just nodded in agreement. Meanwhile Akane and Ranma were still fighting. The argument then died down and Ranma-chan started to walk away.

"Boy, where are you going?" Genma asked.

"I'm going back to China, and I'm pretty sure Raina wants to come too," Raina nodded at that at stood up and went to her cursed brother," We need to get the cure for this. This is no time for Fiancés,"

"Where are you going? I'm not done with ya yet!" Akane yelled. She then hit him with the table hitting him flat.

"Ooh that's gotta hurt," Raina remarked with a wince. Akashi just chuckled at that.

Ranma and Raina 1/2: Double the ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now