Daughter of Darkness

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Yin fake sipped at her tea, fearing it was poison, her legs crossed perfectly in front of her as her tawny wolf eyes tracked the prince like a hawk while he paced. Her black hair fell just over her mouth, while she waited for him to pounce. But he did not....

He rambled on and on about how horrible things had been getting and how he'd turned to her for some odd reason, though he never did really get to that part.

Finally, he huffed and looked at her.

"I'm not going to poison you, Yin. I promise its just honey tea." He said. Suprised, she stiffened and put the cup down, her quick movements doing their best to hide her shaking.

"I never said you were trying to poison me. I've merely been sitting, drinking and listening to your constant rambling and incomplete thoughts." She said, flashing him a sly smile.

"Your good at hiding things, Chi. But you forget I'm practically the prince of truth. " 

He gently held out a hand and smirked. 

"The stain just under your shirt shows me that you haven't been drinking, as does the fact that your hair was over your mouth, hiding your eye, and that you're watching my every move. I can only assume you think I'm going to hurt you in some way." 

He looked at his hand then back at her, wanting to help her up. 

"Which I can promise you is not going to happen."

She ignored his hand, standing up on her own with a hiss. Briskly walking to the center of the room and staring at him, her amber eyes shimmering with the light that flittered in from the blinds of the old treehouse they stood in.

"Your pacing says otherwise! Constantly looking over at me to see if I've consumed your wretched poison yet. Fiddling with the knife in your pocket every now and then like you want to jump at me at any moment!" He backed away, surprised that she'd noticed so much.

"Chi, I can assure you I'm not trying to-" She cut him off

"Don't call me Chi! My name is Yin, there are about two people in this hell of an earth that have earned the right to call me that and you are not one of them!" She snarled, eyes blazing, making her hair light up with the orange filter that her eyes left along the fog her breath created in the early morning light.

"Yin!" Yang held up his hands in defeat as he interrupted what she may have gone off on next. "I never said you couldn't leave. But.. I need your help." He said

"What in the seven realms of Hell could I possibly help you with?!" She huffed. "The Prince of Truth my ass! All you want is-"

"My father!" He shouted over her.

"W-What..? The king," She snarled. "Why would he want help from me?" She had a past with the king... Everyone knew that. Her parents had killed his wife, he and his men had killed her parents, almost taking her in the process.

"He-He doesn't. But you're my only option." He looked away, rubbing the ice bumps from his arm. "I-I've been in a castle all my life, Yin. I don't know how to fight. But he's sick, he won't admit it but he is." She thought for a moment, now that she remembered, the last time she saw the king, he'd been very pale. And his eyes had looked dull.

"You want me to teach you how to fight?" She asked, crossing her arm in a sassy way. He smiled and shook his head.

"Yes... But I also want you to come with me. I need to know how to fight so I can find something and cure my father." He sighed. "I know he's done everything against you, and I know you won't forgive him, but please help me."

Yin thought for a moment, her eyes growing soft and worried. Then she sighed and uncrossed her arms, walking forward and grabbing her teacup, taking a drink and swallowing it she looked away.

"Alright... I'll help you."

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