13. Stupid, Dumb and Idiotic

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I know, I know, I said not until after my exams, but I couldn't help myself, okay? And I figured you wouldn't mind, so here you go ^^


Stumbling over, what I guess were my own feet, I stepped into the lift. It had been a real struggle to find my way back to the hotel. It wasn't that it was that far from the club, but after I left, I had wandered of quite a bit and ended up some place even more unknown to me.

Eventually I had just decided to go into a bar, not to ask directions, but to drive away all the thoughts overflowing my head. In my mind, alcohol would do a good job at that.

It did work, cause after a while I had felt quite numb and a giddy feeling had settled in my head. The only problem occurred when the bar closed and I practically got kicked out, with no clue where to go at all.

I ended up sitting on the pavement for a while, shuddering because I forgot to bring my jacket with me from the club. As soon as I could stand up without falling over again, I started walking, a bit disoriented, down the street, just hoping it was the right direction.

Figured, it took me quite some time to get back to the hotel and the sky was already turning lighter when I reached it.

A soft ping indicated the lift had arrived to the floor I hoped I was supposed to be. Some dim lights lit the hallway that was completely empty and slowly I made my way up to the right door. Thank God.

Grateful that I still had my wallet with the keycard to our room in it, I unlocked the door and pushed down the handle. I didn't have the chance to make a silent entrance, because as soon as I opened the door, it was harshly pulled open at the other end.

Suddenly I was face to face with Zayn whose wide eyes studied me for a second before he grabbed my arm. While dragging me inside, he started a loud rant. 'Where the fuck have you been Niall? Do you even know how worried we were when Harry called and told us you just ran of. We've been looking all over for you, but you just dissapeared. '

I wasn't sure how, but I had completely forgotten about the lads, only thinking of the need to sleep and my warm comfortable bed. So it wasn't odd that I was kind of surprised by the sudden welcome committee.

Liam was sat on the couch, while Louis stood against the wall and both looked up when Zayn and I walked in. Besides the shocked expressions on their faces, it was obvious that they were absolutely knackered.

' Niall!' They yelled almost simultaneously, making the sound even louder and causing me to flinch, due to the headache from being hungover. Soon I was enveloped in a tight hug, which wasn't really what I was looking for right now.

After squirming out of their arms, I let myself fall on the couch and breathed out a deep sigh. Louis came to sit beside me and put a hand on my shoulder. ' Niall.. Your clothes are all dirty and no offence but you really stink.. Where have you been?'

I rubbed my hands over my face and through my hair, accomplishing to get it even more disheveled than it was before. ' I.. I was out.' I knew it wasn't the smartest answer, but at the moment my mind wasn't able to come up with something better.

'Out? Yes, you've been out already. Fuck Niall, how could you do that? Just running of to nowhere, Harry was freaking out and so were we.' Zayn started again, making me cringe.

' I don't know, I just panicked.' I said almost in a whisper. I honestly didn't know. Though I remembered everything from last night, the memories still had a fog over them, mixing together in a weird, nearly scary way.

'Why did you panick? What happened?' I looked up at Louis who was giving me an intent look and I caught my lower-lip between my teeth biting down hard. That was the one thing I didn't want to think about.

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