HVAVP: Supergirl Chapter 2

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After going into that spaceship that crashed outside her home Penelope awoke with stomach cramps throughout the night getting worse as hours passed.

The next day Penelope awoke sore but seemingly no stomach cramps. But had an strange slimy taste in her mouth. She went to the bathroom and rinsed her mouth with water to get the taste out of her mouth.

Kara awoke in her apartment that morning as Alex was entering. "Morning Kara" Alex said as Kara rose up in bed. Kara groggily got out of bed and walked to the coffee pot in the kitchen. "I had trouble sleeping last night Alex" Kara said taking a sip of coffee "What's the problem?" Alex wondered. "I have this strange feeling that i'm being followed for some reason" Kara replied she was being followed by an Predator tribe but she didn't know yet.

"Who would be following you?" Alex asked Kara pouring her a cup of coffee. "Beats me maybe some fan or something" Kara replied taking a sip of coffee.

"Whoever is following you we'll make sure this person wont get you" Alex assured Kara "Thanks Alex" Kara smiled at her. "Come on we've gotta get to Penelope's for the baby shower" Alex walking to the fridge to get the cake.


Inside the ship The Crinjta tribe consisting of three Predators surveyed the personal belongings of Kara Zor-El ranging from her purse to her CatCo id badge. the tribe knew the invasion of the Xenomorphs was immanent and Penleope was the beginning of it they came too late to prevent the invasion which was gonna happen anyway so Crinjita tribe was gonna reveal themselves to Kara when the invasion started which would be only in an few hours.

For generations the predators and xenomorphs had blood battled through realities and this was one was immanent.


Later that day Kara, Alex, Maggie and their friends went to Penelope's baby shower to celebrate Penelope's pregnancy it had been an good party. Alex had put her cake on the table but it wasnt open yet to reveal the sex of her child at least that's what Penelope thought not knowing something was about to come out of her stomach. "So Penelope you want some veggies?" Kara asked Penelope who was an little pale abnormally. "No thank you Kara I'm not really hungry" Penelope smiled weakly. "Something wrong Penelope?" Winn asked her. "I'm fine I just have a stomach ache that won't go away" Penelope replied. "Maybe you should rest besides your gonna need plenty of it before your baby arrives" James said to her. "I'm good sometimes I feel like its a giant bowling ball" Penelope joked to her friends who laughed. "When do you want to cut the cake to reveal the sex?" Kara asked impatiently. "Soon" Penelope replied getting herself some orange juice just as she was about to drink it she gulped as Kara and Alex looked at her concerned. "Penelope are you ok?" Alex asked worriedly "I just have to go to the bathroom" Penelope bolted upstairs to the bathroom running into the toilet

she vomited into the toilet her morning sickness had been in her first trimester whenever the sight of food came to her she would puke then get cravings later. Penelope took an deep breath wiped her mouth then went to the sink to rinse her mouth. before leaving the bathroom she forgot to flush the toilet before doing so she saw something that drained the color of her body. the toilet water was blood and some kind of slimy thing she puked out of it"

"That's weird" Penelope said in thought flushed the toilet then went back to her party joining her friends. "I heard you puke Penelope is everything ok?" Kara asked her. "I'm fine I think my pain went away" Penelope said all of sudden her pain went away but not for long.

"All right everyone gather round!" Alex said as Penelope and her husband came to the table to cut the cake to reveal the sex of their child or an surprise.

Or so they thought it was. Penelope and her husband grabbed an knife to cut the cake Alex bought for the shower. It was blue meaning it was a boy. The group cheered as Penelope got herself a piece of blue cake and sat down to eat.

Penelope, Kara and Alex laughed about Midvale High days. "We had to help Penelope at the prom cause her dress split in pieces" Alex said "Then we walked for 20 mintues then someone had to come pick us up" Alex laughing said. Penelope laughed hysterically taking a bite of cake then suddenly coughed for an moment then began to hold her stomach trying to breathe. "Penelope, come on! it's not embarrassing" Kara said still laughing at the story Alex told. Penelope was trying to breathe but was now slumping with stomach pain. "Penelope the cake isnt bad" Kara said "Penelope what's wrong?" Alex asked concernedly as Kara's smile faded as did the guests.

"Penelope are you ok?" Kara asked Penelope suddenly arose from her seat then fell onto the table spilling food on the floor. Alex and Maggie rushed to the table where Penelope began to scream in pain. "KARA CALL AN DOCTOR!" Alex yelled to Kara while Maggie was trying to help Penelope's screams. Kara ran to the table to help when suddenly...

Blood came out of Penelope's shirt and onto the half-eaten cake. Alex, Maggie and Kara jumped back for an moment. Penelope began to move frantically some more as now Winn and James were trying to help Penelope who was screaming bloody murder in pain.

'SOMEONE HELP ME!" Penelope screamed as her distraught husband looked on in horror. Winn ran to the bathroom filled a cup of water and tried to give Penelope some water. Maggie meanwhile was trying to call National City PD to get an medic. "COME ON PENELOPE!" James yelled as Penelope was screaming in pain louder.

And then it happened.

Penelope's stomach opened up and exploded in blood causing Alex to scream in terror jumping back falling onto the couch causing an guest to spill an drink on her as Winn, James, and Kara jumped back in horror as the guests ran out of the room screaming.

An yellow alien with three tails came out of the stomach into the view of the people that tried to help the now dead Penelope covering the table in blood. Kara grabbed an fork angrily to kill the alien. "KARA WAIT DON'T TOUCH IT!" Winn yelled. as Maggie ran to the aid of Alex hugging her comfortingly on the floor.

The Alien looked for an moment at its surroundings let out a scream then bolted from the room quickly.

Kara dropped the fork and started to cry at the sight of Penelope's stomach opened and on the now bloody table James ran to her quickly getting her away from the table.

Winn grabbed the phone quickly and called Hank "Henshaw get down here quick! something happened!" he said onto the receiver.

Penelope's baby shower was the calm before the storm up until the chestburster beginning things to come in National City.

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