HVAVP: Legends of Tomorrow: Chapter 1

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Outside of the stadium the Queen Alien made an ear piercing hiss as Oliver, Barry and Kara jumped back as Kara flew up Oliver ran to an car firing an arrow at the Queen Alien, William, Lena, Winn, James, Cisco, Alex and Maggie ran in fear to safety but Maggie Saywer tripped on the ground spraining her ankle as Alex tried to run back to Maggie but the Queen Alien roared grabbing Maggie as she screamed in terror "MAGGIE!" Kara yelled at the sight of the Queen Alien grabbing Maggie throwing her back and fourth as Oliver throwing arrows at the Queen Alien's head while Barry ran fast to divert attention of the monster away from Maggie.

Alex pulled out her machine gun to fire at the Queen Alien hissing and still holding Maggie in the air.


In the sight of the Predator's armor mask was the Queen Alien but more Xenomorphs were coming out of National City Stadium from the eggs hatched inside.

He ran toward Oliver and William grabbing an Alien and using its shoulder cannon fired at it splitting it in two.


Hank Henshaw and the rest of the team looked in horror at the sight of the Queen Alien from Alex's camera filming it all unfolding and Felicity Smoak terrified at the sight of William and Oliver in danger from the Aliens knowing the trouble William would be in whenever he did come back to the command center.


"BARRY! GET THOSE GUYS TO SAFETY!" Oliver yelled at Barry to get his son out of the city in an flash Barry grabbed William, Lena, James, Winn, and Cisco and quickly took them back to the command center while Oliver shot more arrows at the Queen Alien still holding Maggie in the air.

The Predator jumped to the Queen Alien's backside it's blade shoulder wrists came out stabbing at it as more Xenomorphs came out from the stadium. Alex ran to the sight of the Queen Alien grabbing an shotgun "ALEX NO DONT!" Barry yelled as he ran superfast grabbing Alex from oncoming aliens.

Maggie meanwhile now was shaking in fear the Queen Alien's tail hit the near base of her eyes making her unconscious.

Sara Lance using her stick threw an alien into an parked car damaging it  running to the sight of Oliver near an newspaper stand. "Damn It! these Aliens dont know when to quit" Sara yelled "Well they're then the Dominators were easy the last time BUT THIS IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!" Oliver yelled. "Where's Supergirl?" Sara wondered "Up the sky... she's flying!" Oliver told her.

"Noted!" Sara yelled as up the sky Supergirl used heat vision to fire at the Queen Aliem arm that was holding Maggie while her sister was firing shotgun rounds at it.

The Queen Alien dropped Maggie onto the ground now retrieving into back the tunnels while Supergirl went to follow it into the tunnel but was found by more xenomorphs causing Kara to retreat from the tunnel as an Predator grabbed the xenomorph and threw it across grabbing his blade and aming at the skull within seconds the xenomorph was dead.

Alex ran to Maggie who lied on the ground shaking in shock from the Queen Alien's wrath "Oh shit they killed her man!" Barry ran to Maggie and Alex as did Oliver, Sara and Kara landing down.

"MAGGIE?!" Alex slapped her trying to wake her up but wouldn't wake up 

"No.. the Queen Alien didn't kill her" Oliver said grabbing Maggie's hand feeling it for an moment "she still has a pulse!" he told the concerned trio "We need to get Maggie back to the command center fast!" Alex said distraught about to cry as Kara landed running to Maggie "Oh my god!" Kara said gulping "Alex I'll get her back to the command center!" Kara assured Alex picking Maggie up flying her out of town while Barry ran out in superspeed to follow Kara.

The Waverider landed as Sara ran toward it "Oliver need a ride?" she said to Oliver

Oliver looked at the adjoining rooftop of the stadium and saw an Predator was there breathing for an moment looking at it he turned and went to join Sara who called the Waverider to pick her Oliver and Alex up leaving the city streets.


"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?!" Felicity yelled to William as his trio entered the command center. "I went into the city to find the nest of those monsters Ms. Luthor and those friends of hers went with me nothing bad happened" William said walking to an chair and sitting down.

"Nothing bad?" Felicity asked William "Are you aware that Maggie could possibly hurt? not to mention you too and the others" she sternly told William about his little adventure

"He found the nest of those Aliens" Lena said to her defending William from getting in trouble "We didn't know it was in the stadium until your son found it with us" she told Felicity "Um. Miss Luthor he's my stepson" Felicity told her.

"Either way he found the nest" Hank said to the group "Who would have thought the stadium had those eggs" he said as Supergirl entered with Maggie unconscious as did Oliver, Barry, Sara and an Predator joining them.

Killer Frost ran toward the group "What happened?" She asked Supergirl at the sight of Maggie Sawyer unconscious "It was an that giant Alien got to her but it retreated away" Kara said "Ok. Get her to the medroom fast I can save her" Killer Frost turning into Caitlin Snow instructing the group bringing Maggie to the mediroom while she and the doctors began to operate on her she was unconscious but had a pulse.

William Clayton approached his father knowing the trouble he was in for sneaking out of the command center and into the city to find the nest. "Dad look let me explain" William told his father who pointed a finger at him to silence him.

Oliver Queen was MAD, he was mad at himself and mad at William for this whole thing but he was not mad at Felicity.  

"William..." Oliver said calmly to his son "You are in so much trouble from all this" he told his son "You are so so lucky you weren't killed by those monsters but your in for the punishment of your life" he told his son taking deep breaths not to flip out. "Well that's fine Dad I'll take the punishment" William said as Felicity walked to Oliver to calm him down "Oliver please relax we'll decide his punishment!" Felicity assured him making Oliver take a deep breath for an moment then he calmed down.

"Dad look I'm sorry about doing this it was wrong of me to do what I did and the guilt is punishment enough!" William looked away for an moment.

Oliver paused an moment then said "That and being grounded for three months" "Three months?!" William said.

"Two months since you found the nest and escaped alive" Oliver said "Two's good" William said sitting down. "Also when this whole thing is over your going home" Felicity said to him "Ok" William said.


Inside the med room Catlin entered with Alex, Kara and an unconscious Maggie Caltlin instructed HR to give her an shock genration to bring Maggie out an shocked state from the alien queen. 

After an moment Maggie was stablized resting with eyes closed. Alex walked in to see her "Maggie... I'm sorry William put us through this". She whsipered to her who was asleep. "I still love you and I want you to pull through". Alex with tears rolling down her eyes said to her whsipering "I wouldn't know what to do if you were gone". She said to her holding her hand beginning to cry.

Kara looked at Alex for an moment walking to Hank leaving to talk privately. "Maggie will pull through Kara she's lucky she didn't die from this monster" he said distraught over what happened.

"When.... Do we think she'll wake up?". Kara wondering about Maggie.

Kara and Hank looked at Alex in the med room. "It'll.... take some time". Hank gulping "it's when is the question". he said to her.

Oliver Queen looked at Alex in the med room he was terrified at the thought of Felicity in there. He stood there for an moment paused about everything that happened.

He just stayed there for an moment.

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