HVAVP: The Flash: Chapter 9

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Supergirl, The Flash and Green Arrow began to make arrangements with the army to enter the city to locate the xenomorph nest unaware Oliver's son William was already in the city and had found it.

Suddenly Supergirl got an call from Alex. "Alex! Did you find the nest?". She said into the phone but she could barely hear her sister on the other end. "....... Get....... Nest.....". Alex said to Kara but then phone clicked making Kara worry about Alex and especially William for Oliver and Felicity knowing their son was in incredible danger.

Barry superspeeded out of the command center. Kara looked at Oliver heading toward Felicity nervously looked away and flew out.

Oliver sighed at the sight of those two with superspeed. sometimes he wished he had it but then again he didn't.

"Felicity.... Keep William safe here I don't want those monsters to get in here and hurt you and especially William" Oliver confinded in Felicity of his worries. "We"ll wait for you also please come back alive" Felicity worriedly said to her husband who kissed her then he left.

Felicity Smoak looked around the command center for an moment she saw William in another room and thought "Where's director Henshaw?". He hadn't been here since Calitn's autopsy of the xenos.

William had been here the whole time. All of a sudden she started to wonder where did Winn, Cisco, Alex, Detective Sawyer, James and Lena go?.

Felicity's eyes widened in horror the person in an room wasn't William it looked like him but it was not.

Felicity ran out of the command center "OLIVER WAIT STOP!". she yelled to him but he was already gone.

Felicity Smoak went back in and confronted Hank the jig was up about what was going on he gave her the whole scoop about what was going on with the nest matter.

"If Oliver finds our son dead from those monsters me and him will come for you" she threatened Hank "If anything happens to him we wont stop you" he said to her.

An Predator had saw this and soon after he went into the city to find William and the trio hopefully alive but they were already in danger.


Supergirl, The Flash, an army tank and shortly after Oliver Queen arriving on an motorcycle arrived in the empty National City to begin nest hunting with an Predator in stealthily waiting on an rooftop an few miles away from the stadium where William had found the nest Oliver was unaware about what was to happen.

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