C H A P T E R 2

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My body jerks up at the sound of a scream for help.

"Arrrggggg!Blaise!Zane! Stop it! Please." The voice of my little brother,Sam ringed in and out of my head. My body stuck to the hard bed for a few seconds before senses kicked in and I leaped out of bed and ran to the room Sammi lay in.

"Sam! Are you okay?" He laid in the bed,his body shaking and his eyes glued shut."Zane!"

No answer came. He laid in the bed,his body shaking violently and his eyes glued down. Yet he continued. Yelling. Not once did I see his green eyes.

It scared me. I mean who wouldn't be scared? Your six year old brother thrashing around the bed sleep,but as a fourteen year old I should be able to handle it. I should be able to comfort him. Not standing here as if my feet were glued to the floor.

I crawled over to him,lifting his thrashing body into my lap." Shhh Sammi. Its going to be okay Shhh don't cry." I didn't know if things were going to be okay. I don't even know a hundred percent if he could actually hear me.

My heart thrashed around inside my body,debating on whether it would rip out of my chest or not.

I lost my grip on the boys body and he rolled onto the floor with a thud. He grab onto his head and began to yell again. Tears never stopped rolling down his face.

Suddenly I'm panicking.

My throat closes and my chest tightens and its hard to breathe.

"Zane!" I attempt to yell but my voice comes out soft and groggy.

I don't know what's happening.

Everything hurts.

I pull at my long brown hair in attempt to seize the pain,but it doesn't work.

My lungs began to burn and I try to push air into my lungs but it feels as if something is popping inside of me.

It feels terrible and tears peek from my eyes.

The words 'help me' run through my head but don't reach my mouth.

Suddenly everything looks dizzy and I shut my eyes because my head starts to hurt.

I'm going to die.

Is this what death feels like?

Something like the front door shuts closed and I mentally yelp in joy.

With Sam still yelling and thrashing around on the floor and my loud attempts to breathe,it would be really hard not to hear us.

Suddenly its like a bolt of electricity runs through my body and I can breathe again. The nice warm air spreads through my body and a wave of relief slowly comes to me.

I attempt to get off the floor but my body is numb and I can't get up.

"Blaise?" A questioning voice rings some where in the small house."Sammi! My baby!"

Zane yells once he sees the weird state the boy is in. He runs over to him,but turns around and picks me up also.

He lays us on the bed.

"Zane, I'm scared. Is Sam going to be okay?"

"Yes baby girl he's going to be okay. I just need to make a quick phone call. You okay?"

I nod my head.

I'm not going to tell him about what just happened to me. Not yet.

I don't want to worry him anymore.

Even though I'm not okay.

He pulls out the small blackberry phone,dials a number,and presses the phone against his ear.

"Hello...Yes this is Zane Mackram speaking....yes my little brother Sam is thrashing around yelling and crying....Yes this is an emergency....he looks sleep....no I don't think he can hear anything....Sam..six...he keeps yelling like someone is chasing him.....yes I found him with my sister Blaise....she's fourteen....no...no...I found her laying on the floor and she kinda looked dead..no she is not dead..I thinks so...I'm sixteen....Sam takes iron and allergy medicine and Blaise has trouble eating and gaining wheight so she takes growth pills but they don't actually work...yes.....Mary's Orphanage east of the supermarket....no she is not here...okay bye!"He pulled the phone away from his ear.
He looked tired and defeated.

Older than sixteen in a way.

He climbed onto the bed pulling me and Sam towards him.

His body was warm but not warm enough so I moved the covers over the three of us.

"Its going to be okay,"Zane whispered.
I hope so.

❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤How was this chapter anyone.
Trashy or okay or wow this was Tyler Joseph awesome?
❤(Who Knows who TROYE SIVAN is.)Blaise^

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