C H A P T E R 3

2 1 0

"Baby girl! Baby bear! Today is the day!" Zane yelled in a sing song voice, running around the small house beating on what I assume is a metal pot.

He was right. It was That day.

The day I've been dreading since last week.

The reason I've been in such a crappy mood all day.

Oh no I'm always like that.

Cranky. Short tempered, and annoyed by all of these flipping people running around the house.

Ugh humans.

Almost as worst as my living existence.

I hate my life.

I hate most people on this planet also.

"Why?" I ask after I have pushed the thin cloth over my head. A cool breeze runs over my legs and I can only assume that the blanket no longer reached my feet.

Cheap flipping blanket.

"Why must you always awake me? You don't see me running around with a pan shouting at you to get your lazy arse out of bed,no."

"Well you're not me. I'm not you. I'm a regular human being while your some weird ass alien thing from Pluto." He yells back a frown forming on his face.

"Pluto is beautiful and I am happy to live among such a great group of....aliens?"

"Anyway Katherine and Michael Levarate are coming over around twelve thirty." He answers after the shocked look on his face disappeared. Already don't like this Michael guy.

Sounds sketchy.

I can't live with sketchy people.

Calm down.

If you weren't you and some random crack head on the street you would be considered sketchy.

Standing on side the street asking for money to go buy crack with that stupid expression stuck on your face.

Good point.

"What time is it?" I reach over the bed to the floor grabbing my cheap high tops and pulling them onto my feet.

The side of the shoe had mud and blood on it from the time when Tracy Salamander pushed me into the dirt and I cut my foot open on the sprinkler.

It was quite interesting actually.

Tracy got suspended for a week and she got yelled at by her mother in front of the whole first grade.

Of course my mother didn't care.

Kids can be so cruel.

Even babies.

Evil little things. Their like cats. Cats plot to take over the world while children plot your death.

"Eleven fifty four."

"Can you dress Sam while I go get dressed?"

"No can do sis I have to go clean and go grab us something to eat."

"Sneezing unicorns." I curse under my breathe. He's always going somewhere. Not that I don't like Sam or his company because I do its just some times Sam can be choosy picky. On top of that he's really stubborn so you try working with a adorable child who will trick you out of your money.

You'd be left broke.

"What...did you just say?"

"Get out!" I run over to the shedding door and slam it shut carefully while yelling at Sam to get up.

Alone AgainOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant