A Mother and Her Son Chapter Two (Lenn Winston)

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The petite albino woman sat on her porch, her lonely hands resting her lap where a young child once nested every night for a song. The sunset painted her skin a pink and orange over the white blushed skin of hers.
The taller woman walked... the leaves crunching under her leather shoes. She leaned on the porch, resting her chin against the rotting wood of the railing.
"Miss Hein." She whispered the woman hummed, not daring to move her view to the woman. "I brought you some wine and a rose." She whispered slowly walking up onto the porch. She set the bottle of wine in the woman's lap and slid the rose into her hair. "I didn't think you were probably feeling that great... S-So I wanted to apologise." She whispered hesitantly reaching a tan calloused hand over Grijs leg.
The smaller woman hummed in questioning. "For what?"
"Well... it's not easy, it's not easy to just pull something from your life. So... I thought I'd keep you company while you worked through it. We can have a glass of wine tonight, and then we can work on cleaning your house." She whispered. Grijs turned her attention towards the woman. Her eyes crystallizing. "N-No, don't cry Miss Hein." She whispered cupping the woman's cheeks, drawing her shaky thumb as under her pale blue eyes... neither of them breaking eye contact.
Grijs' dark crimson lips trembled and she quickly brought her hand up grasping Lenns chin roughly, pressing her lips against the other womans.
The green eyes belonging to the tan woman widened, then softened, slowly closing as she relaxed.
The Dutch woman sighed shakily through her blushed nose, slowly dropping her hand resting it on her shoulder as she pulled away.
Lenn kept her eyes closed, having them slowly flutter open like butterfly wings against her cheek and brow.
"I-I..." Grijs mumbled quickly getting up, going to walk inside.
"M-Miss Hein wait!" Lenn gasped, stumbling out of the porch swing onto the wood grabbing at Grijs' prosthetic leg.
The petite woman looked down looking at the Canadian woman who had her hands around her wooden leg. "I-I wanna... I-I wanna get to know you." She whispered.
Grijs raised an eyebrow and whispered softly.
"B-Because, e-everyone says bad things about y-you... b-but I don't believe you're a bad woman."
"I am..." Grijs muttered... "for this is why I warn you to get away." She whispered kneeling down in front of the woman lying on the ground. She carefully set her hand on the side of her face and Lenn stared straight up into her eyes.
"I like bad women." She whispered and Grijs let out a soft laugh.
Her eyes softened and her face became less stern. "Come inside dork." She whispered standing up, holding a hand out for the woman.

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