A Mother and Her Son Chapter Four (Then the Cops Came)

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" I ain't gonna let you stay." Motto wrote and Lenn gave him a sad look. He continued eating, ignoring the look she gave him.
"Let me tell you something..." Lenn whispered and Motto glared up at her. "I love your mother very much." Lenn said.
"Get out." Motto mumbled and Lenn widened her eyes.
She gave him a confused look, never had heard the boy speak before. "W-What?"
"I said GET OUT!" He screamed and she jumped slightly. She got up slowly and stepped out onto the porch.
Her heart raced and she started sweating. She pulled out a cigarette and lit it, setting it in her mouth. She took a deep breath and pulled her phone out shakily. She typed in each number slowly. '773-421-8360'
She raised the phone to her ear and blew smoke from her mouth, her lips chapped.
*ring... ring... ring*
"Hello?" A familiar Dutch accent came through the line.
"Heyyyyy Grijs..." Lenn laughed nervously and she heard the Dutch woman sigh.
"What did you do?" She asked monotonously.
Lenn let out an awkward laugh and looked back at the window, a angry boy staring right back at her. "Your son locked me out of the house for saying something utterly stupid, which I should have known not to say, but did anyways. Now he's pissed as shit at me and I have no idea what to do. He's got your temper you know. He told me to go f*ck myself and threatened to lock me out but I stayed and-" Lenn rambled nervously, speaking quickly out of anxiousness.
"Heyyyy, shush. What did you say?" She asked and Lenn froze.
"N-Nothing important."
Grijs shook her head and looked up at the clock. 4:56. "I'll be home in a little over an hour... will you survive? it's a bit cold outside."
Lenn gritted her teeth, breaking the cigarette. She coughed and the cigarette butt fell out of her mouth. "Y-Yeah yeah I'll be fine... lo-" she started then stopped herself.
"Ik hou van je... dork."
-the call ended-
"Damnit." Lenn mumbled shivering slightly. She slid her phone in her pocket and the boy stuck his tongue out at her. She growled and punched the window. He jumped and fell back staring in fear. "O-Oh... god no... I shouldn't have done that." She mumbled, he stared up at her through the window and tears flowed freely down his cheeks. "Damnit Lenn!" She yelled grasping her hair. "Dumbass!" She screamed punching the siding of the house. She stared at the padlock on the house and hummed. "Mottooo... can you tell me the passcode?" Lenn pleaded. Motto glared at her. "I'll take that as a no." She typed in a couple passwords and Motto watched her with a smirk pasted to his face. "No... no... no." She mumbled as she tried different passcodes. "Damnit." Lenn groaned.
She quickly walked down the stairs of the house and dug through her car. "Drugs, Drugs, Drugs... ahh empty beer bottle... weed, heroin, cocaine, ah this... ew that's old..." she mumbled, throwing stuff out of her car. "Key set... key set... where the hell is it..." She grumbled and then her hand touched the cold metal of a canister. "A-Ah!! Yes!" She exclaimed pulling it out and running back up to the door. She pulled the stuff out and started picking at the lock. She heard a car pull up in the drive and the door opened. "Oh hey Grijs!" She laughed turning around. "O-Oh." She mumbled and slowly put her hands up.

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