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We stepped off the subway, then followed Tommy and his friend down the sidewalk. The neighborhood was different from what I was used to. It was dark, smelly and I felt like I could've been snatched up any second.

I looked over at Denise to try to read her facial expression. She looked as if she was thinking the same thing I was thinking. She reached over her and grabbed my hand, I guess she sense a bit a fear in me. She could always read me, and that was something I couldn't stand.

"You good?"She asked worriedly and I nodded my head.

"We almost there. Don't worry."Tommy said, looking back at us as if he was making sure we were alright. His friend stayed silent the whole time, he only nodded and spoke when Tommy spoke to him.

We followed behind him for a short time, before stopping in front of an apartment building. It looked as if it was unoccupied, but the music was loud. We could hear it from the sidewalk.

I looked over at Denise one last time, and she didn't seem as uncomfortable as I was. I had a feeling that something was going to happen and I ignored It..I wish I hadn't.

We walked up a few stairs and entered a very rusty elevator. It was the kind that had the bars that slid down in front instead of the doors.

The elevator jerked and shook as we got to the higher floors. I was so fearful that the thing would stop, luckily it didn't.

We exited the elevator and the music became louder. They were blasting some rap song that I had never heard before, but it was kind of nice.

Finally we reached the door of an apartment. It was very old looking. The dark green paint was peeling and the black 31A was halfway off of the door.

Tommy knocked on the door and it swung open by a man who looked about 3 times our age. He was kind of husky and he really tall. His hair was cut really low with two short lines on the side of his head. He also had a goatee, it was really neat and he wore very flashy clothing.

"Tommy..what's good?"He said excitedly and pulled him in for a hug. "Pablo! How are ya?"

"What it do, Tim?"Tommy chuckled and clapped his hand. "What up fool?"Pablo added. That was the first time we had heard him speak all night.

"I see you brought some guests."He chuckled and rubbed his hands together.

"Oh yeah, this is Monique and Denise."He chuckled and pointing at the two of us. Tim nodded his head and stepped out of our way so that we could walk in.

As we walked in the door, I instantly regret my decision. People were dancing, There were girls everywhere, either naked or half naked. Some of them doing drugs and some of them doing other things that I don't want to mention.

I looked back at Denise her face had the same expression mine had.. "What the fuck?"

"Well don't just stand there. Make yourselves at home ladies."Tim chuckled and Tommy did too.

"I Uh, I thought you said that you were taking us to a party."I nervously blundered, fidgeting with my hands. My voice was soft and innocent. I turned around to Denise and she looked really very nervous.

"Look around sweetheart. This is the party."Tim laughed and hit Tommy's shoulder.

"This don't look like a party to me. It looks like a whorehouse."Denise looked around, with her nose turned up. That girl was always one to say whatever was on her mind. She had no filter and didn't give a damn who she'd hurt.

"I think we should leave."I replied nervously and grabbed Denise's hand. We headed for the door and Tim locked it then stood in front of it.

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