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We ran swiftly down the sidewalk and Denise was running so fast, she was in front of me and I was the person that was supposed to leading.

"Denise-e-e, where are you going?"I asked breathlessly running after her. Finally she stopped and clutched her chest. "I don't know. I was just trying to get out."She replied, breathing heavily.

"Calm down. If they wanted us, they would've ran after us."I sighed, smoothing her hair down because it had started sticking up from her running.

"Bitch listen, I'm too used to running from people."Denise chuckled and I laughed.

"Hey."A deep voice screamed from behind and Denise started to run again, I stopped her.

"Relax, It's Khalil."Monique laughed and they walked towards him. He had pulled up on the side of them in an old Cadillac.

"Get in."He demanded, and we looked at each other. "I just risked my damn life for y'all. Get your asses in this car."

Denise climbed in the backseat and I rolled my eyes at her. She knew I didn't want to sit up there with him, I wasn't very talkative and I knew he'd want to talk.

"So where were you two headed before Tommy and Pablo tried to set you up?"Khalil chuckled as he drove down the street.

"Manhattan."I replied, dryly.

"Set us up? What do you mean?"Denise asked, sitting up. She was always on 10. Always ready to let somebody have it.

"This is what they do. Tim throws these parties and they're supposed to bring girls for Tim. Then we come in and take everybody's stuff."Khalil explained and Denise rolled her eyes.

"Why do they bring girls?"I asked, looking up from my phone. It seemed like every time I started to read this book, somebody caught my attention.

"Tim puts them on his payroll, for various things. Some get pimped, some work in his club and some of them strip. It all depends on how pretty he thinks you are."Khalil answered and I caught an attitude.

"How misogynistic."I muttered and rolled my eyes once again.

"Listen, I know we reminiscing and shit. But can we go get some food? A Bitch is starving and I almost died. I think I deserve to eat."Denise asked orotundity.

Khalil and I started laughing, but Denise was serious.

"What you wanna eat man?"Khalil chuckled and turned off his car.

"How about you take us to your favorite restaurant in Brooklyn."I suggested, looking over at him. 

"Oh I've got just the place."He smiled. "You don't mind a little detour do you,ladies?"He chuckled and swiftly turned his car around in the middle of the street.

Denise didn't have on her seatbelt so she  fell forward and hit her face on the back of Khalil's seat.

"Goddamn Khalil. You should've warned me."Denise yelled, mushing the back of his head.

"Maybe that wouldn't have happened if you had your damn seatbelt on."Khalil replied, reaching his hand to try and hit Denise back.  That was how things normally went between the two of them.

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