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I pulled back from Khalil and sat back down on the counter. He looked at me and started to laugh. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked back down at my phone, because his reaction confused me. I thought he'd be happy that I kissed him, I mean that was what he wanted.

"I ain't feel nothing."He chuckled and rubbed his hand across his short beard. "I think you gotta do it again."

"If you wanted me to kiss you again, all you have to do is ask."I giggled and rolled my eyes before leaning into kiss him again.

"What the hell going in here?"Denise asked in a high-pitched voice. I hurriedly jumped back from Khalil and looked over at Denise.

"I see you two didn't get enough kissing last night."Denise chuckled, throwing her long red hair over her shoulder.

She now had it straightened and hanging down her back. She had on a tight grey tube dress that stopped right at her knees and showed all her curves with a pair of black sandals and a black choker.

"Mind your business, girl."Khalil chuckled and pulled back from me.

Denise rolled her eyes and walked over to where we were to grab her phone. "Mo'nique, are you ready to go?"She asked, throwing her hair over her shoulder once again.

"Where y'all going?"Khalil asked.

"I'm going to take my stuff to my cousins house, and we have an interview."Denise grabbed her charger and started to roll it up to put it in her purse.

Denise put her purse on her shoulder and grabbed her duffle bag. "Mo'nique. Come on."She pulled a pair of sunglasses out of her bag and put them on the top of her head.

I jumped off of the counter and went to grab my stuff as well. "We'll see you later , Khalil."We walked out of the apartment.

"Where is this place, Denise?"I asked as we walked down the sidewalk.

"It's in Manhattan. My cousin sent over the address. He said that they want us there by 4:00."Denise explained as we continued walking to the subway station.

We walked into the train station and got our tickets to get on. "We won't be talking to anybody on here, today."I laughed as we entered the subway doors.

Surprisingly, there were two empty seats so the two of sat down.

"Soo.."Denise crossed her legs and pulled down her dress. "What's up with you and Khalil? You trying to make him your man or what?"She laughed.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "Girl, it was really just a kiss. I wanted to see if I like him or not."

"So do you?"Denise raised an eyebrow.

"Do I What?"I giggled and played with my curls.

"Mo'nique...don't play with me."Denise cut her eyes at me.

"I guess I like him a little bit, but we have to spend more time together. I mean we just met. I barely know him."I chuckled. "but, the guy from last night...did you get his number?"

"He got mine, but I ain't text him back. I didn't come out here for that. I don't really want to be anybody's girlfriend right now. A friend with benefits is fine, but I don't want a boyfriend."Denise sighed, playing with her hair once again.

That was something she always did. I noticed that she did it when she was having a conversation that she didn't really want to have. Anything that involved talking about her feelings made Denise nervous.

"Why?"I asked,furrowing my eyebrows.

She sighed and rubbed her hand across her face. "Because I love Justin. No matter what, I'll always love him. I don't think I can handle trying to fall in love with someone else right now."

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